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This is a message of common sense. We post storys in the creatures so people see them. We post the storys for fun and for other peoples enjoyment. How about this, no fanfictioners will do any roleplay in a reasorce that people could need tips on, for example, element, no one would post any rp there. Do we have a deal? We will not stop posting it the creatures for a few reasons. 1. If you click storys and click "submit tip," it says "post a memorable story or a fanfiction!" 2. Your not the boss of us and we can post storys. Whats wrong with storys? 3. Its the story section, what were you expecting, tips on jow to tame it? Thats what the taming section is for. Now, once again, do we have a deal? A you have to do is stop ruining peoples lives and causing them to have low self esteem.


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