ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Hi people! It’s me Ghost. I have claimed Fuschia coloring for the fan fictioners. Feel free to come chat there or post stories there. Pls come. i love ur stories.
The Shadows of Death
Chapter 7 - [Maybe We Aren’t So Different…]
Species in the Chapter:
Living Shadows
Split Personalities
Characters in the Chapter:
Astro - Failed “Savior” of Another Realm
Shadow - Rightful Heir to the Throne
Dark One - Shadows Split Personality of Vengeance
Ryoko(mentioned) - Old “Friend” {NOTE: not the same Ryoko from club parrot, hes named after them}
About 25 years before the current time in the Club Parrot RP []
Character POV and Description:
Shadow. Shadow has pitch black skin and hair. She has glowing white eyes, and a dark aura that flows around her like water. Her presence annoys others..
Where the Chapter takes Place
Earth. This chapter takes place in a packed city, full of humans. Loud beeps and complaints are a near constant.
Shadow glanced back at Astro, eyes narrowing. She was still unsure of this “Astro” guy. He was…rather suspicious. They most likely felt the same way about Shadow, but she didn’t really care. She leaned against the wall again, eyes locked on Astro. Dark One was standing beside her, sharpening a knife for no reason. Probably trying to look productive or something.
“So, who even are you, kid?”
Shadow raised an eyebrow, shrugging.
“I already told you my name. Also, I’m not a kid.”
She stated clearly, sighing. Did this guy have memory loss or something?
“No, idiot, I meant like. WHO are you? I know your name, but like. Where’d you come from? Are you just some random homeless kid or are you actually important to anything? Also, you don't look a day over 8.”
She tilted her head a bit, blinking. Why does this dude care..? She crossed her arms and stared into his soul(? Does this thing even have a soul?)
“Well, first of all, why do you wanna know, second, who's asking?”
“Eh, you obviously aren't from around here, and are strangely good at fighting for being 8. As for who I am, it's..complicated. A failed lab experiment, I guess you could say. Could also be a failed savior. Meh, by leaving my home realm I failed a lot of people. Hard to say what I even am. Heck, I don't even know! Heh, I still remember the dude who told me everyone was relying on me. His name was Ryoko i think. He barely managed to escape when I tried to kill him out of rage.”
Her eyes narrowed further, before sighing and rolling them. She waved the bit about being 8 off like it didn't bother her, though it clearly did.
“Whatever. It's honestly stupid. As you said, I’m not from here. I'm from the shadow realm. My mother, Queen Eclipse, was the queen. My jealous aunt poisoned her, managed to blame ME, and got me banished. So now I assume she's queen. So, I've just been chilling here. I honestly don't care enough to go back, even if I could technically become queen.”
Shadow explained, flipping off Dark One as he snickered at certain parts. Astro just blinked, seemingly unfazed, shrugging.
“Sounds complicated.”
Was his only remark. They both had a brief staredown, before dark one interrupted and suggested they start moving. Humans were starting to gather. Shadow sighed as she stood, eyes flicking briefly to Astro as he did the same. He shrank out of the human's sight, and walked over to shadow.
“Well? Let's go, idiot. I heard there's a town of rejects like us somewhere around here. Dodódexia(with a normal o. Because of the thingy.), I think it was.”
“Alright Space Barf, which direction?”
Astro briefly double checked, before heading north. Shadow and Dark One followed shortly after, needing a break from humans. I mean, I don't blame them. Astro was walking at a distance from Shadow and Dark One, clearly trying to separate himself. Shadow glared at him, but simply shrugged. She did speak up about something else, though.
“So, Galaxy Feces, how far IS this town, exactly?”
“Very. like, a day away.”
“....why are we WALKING then? I know at LEAST 4 other ways to get there quicker.”
“The humans have cameras around here. Until we get out of sight of them, we can't.”
“And? I used magic during our fight to make us look normal.”
“Yeah, but it'd look strange if three people randomly disappeared.”
“...I SUPPOSE that's fair…”
Dark One was very annoyed by this as well, as he couldn't dip from existence and chill in Shadow's mind. Shadow growled as she continued following Astro, a stress ball appearing in her hand that she could strangle instead of Astro and Dark One, as she blinked in confusion. She could've sworn everything had gone gray for a minute….whatever. Wasn't important. What WAS important was getting to this dang town.
-Shadow (I forgot to mention that the invite in these chapters arent gonna work since we have invites paused in Club Parrot, though if you ask i might be able to snag an invite)
The Shadow of Death.
Chapter 1 - [The Grand Deciever]
Species in the chapter
Living Shadows
Living Shadow's Split Personalities
Characters in the chapter
Eclipse - Queen
Blazefire - Queens Sister
Shadow - Queens Daughter
About 28 years before the current time in the Club Parrot RP []
Character POV and Description
Blazefire - Black skin, with black hair and glowing white eyes with no pupils. A dark aura floats around her like a cloud, like the rest of her species. She has a rather stern personality, never accepting failure.
Where The Chapter Takes Place
The shadow realm. The shadow realm is sort of like a different planet, yet also not. It is only accessible by the portals Living Shadows can open. It can be described as a version of earth, but with a permanent cloak of darkness spread across it like snow.
A cloak swept around her ankles as she walked out of the castle, waving off the guards with one hand, and rubbing her temples with another. She groaned as a scream shot through her mind, silently cursing, before shaking it off and walking down the steps. She stroad pridefully into the village, staring off into the dark expanse that is the shadow realm. Pain shot through her ankles as she tripped, snarling and whipping around to see what caused her fall. A small child sat behind her, eyes wide, holding a little soccer ball. She growled, standing up, before looking down apon the child as it cowered.
"What is the meaning of this, you pathetic worm?"
She demanded, face twisted into a snarl. After recieving no answer, she raised a hand, swiftly brought it to the opposite shoulder, and back handed the childs face. A bruise immediately formed where her hand made contact, and the child burst into tears, now desperately trying to crawl away. A small smirk formed across her face as she kicked dust at the weakling. Although her line of sight quickly found something more of interest a moment later. She was drawn to a small shop, sitting off to the side, just out of the way. She, now ignoring the child, walked over to it, dusting her cloak off on the way. She was interested by the items it sold, tilting her head with curiousity. She looked to the shopkeeper, clearing her throat before speaking.
"So, you sell poisons, yes?"
Was all she asked, looking at the assortment of bottles on the table. She lifted a hand, studying her nails as she awaited a response.
"Yes, I do. What sort of poison you looking for, your majesty?"
The shopkeep asked, swiftly bowing. She paused, taking a moment to study the man before responding. They had dark green skin, their hair matching the coloring. Their eyes shone white, with a slight hint of green. She brushed this off, as it wasnt that uncommon. Split personalities tended to do whatever they wanted. Couldnt be helped.
"Im looking for something that kills after a few seconds. A minute max, instantanous minimum. I will not deal with the rubbish taking a few days."
She said simply, bringing her demands to the table clearly and quickly. The split thought for a moment, before backing up and looking at a few bottles. Soon after, he plucked a small container from the row. He brought it towards Blazefire, gently placing it infront of her.
"I present to you, your majesty, Rivals End. It is a very potent poison made out of Moon Flowers and and other various deadly herbs. It will kill your target within 10 seconds if you use 2 drops. 4 drops makes the death instantanous."
He explained, nodding occasionally. She studied the small bottle, a bit taken aback from the size, before averting her eyes back to the man.
"I'll take it. How much."
She stated simply, digging out a few gold coins
"2 gold coins. Discount for royals, your majesty."
He replied, taking the needed coins with a satisfied nod. Blazefire grinned, before walking away, not bothering to thank the man. After all, he should be grateful he even got to see her. She glanced around, slipping the bottle into her pocket, before grabbing the arm of a messenger, pulling him to a stop
"You, i want you to tell the queen that her sister has invited her to tea. You are to tell her that, and that only. Understand?"
She ordered. Eventually, she recieved a startled nod as an answer, and she released the messenger. A smile crossed her face as she muttered under her breath: "lets have some tea, shall we?"
-Shadow (pog i finally wrote the first chapter)
The Shadows of Death
Chapter 2 - [The Great Betrayal]
Species in the Chapter:
Melo (Mentioned)
Living Shadows
Split Personalities
Humans (Mentioned)
Characters in the Chapter:
Eclipse - Queen
Blazefire - Queens Sister
Shadow/Ariande (forgot to mention her other name in the last chapter) - Queens Daughter
Trius - Shadow Goddess of Death (Mentioned)
About 28 years before the current time in the Club Parrot RP []
Character POV and Description:
Queen Eclipse. Queen Eclipse has pitch black skin, with hair of a slightly lighter color. Her eyes shine a blinding white near constantly while open. A dark aura flows around her like a blanket. Anyone near her gets a sense of security.
Then Ariande. Ariande is like a mini version of Eclipse. Her aura brings the feeling of pity and sadness for some unknown reason.
Where the Chapter takes Place
The shadow realm. The shadow realm is sort of like a different planet, yet also not. It is only accessible by the portals Living Shadows can open. It can be described as a version of earth, but with a permanent cloak of darkness spread across it like snow.
Clearing her throat, she knocked on the door. The door opened, revealing her sister, Blazefire. Smiling warmly, she thanked her for inviting her, and she stepped inside. They both headed over to the living room, which was beautifully furnished. A small Melo statue was sitting on the table.
"Go ahead, take a seat sister, I'll go get some tea."
Eclipse nodded, watching her walk out. She paused, looking over at the door, sighing
"Ariande. I told you to come in. You'll be fine."
A small child, looking around 5 years old, walked into the house. Ariande carefully stepped over to Eclipse, sitting beside her, glancing around warily. Eclipse always felt horrible for her daughter, with how her father treated both her and herself. Luckily, to her knowledge, he left the shadow realm after a huge argument. She gave Ariande a small pat on the shoulder in an attempt to calm her down. Her ear flicked as she heard footsteps. She turned and looked at Blazefire, who was holding a tea kettle and some cups. She set them in front of Eclipse, Ariande, and herself as she sat.
"So, Queen Eclipse, may I speak with you about something over a cup of tea?"
Eclipse frowned as Blazefire spoke, wondering what she wanted to speak about.
"Sure, I don't see why not."
She said, tilting her head a little bit.
"Well, I wanted to talk to you about what was going on. I've heard that some of your subjects were starting to rebel. Some cults worshiping Trius have formed again. I'm worried about what might occur."
Blazefire informed her, sipping her tea after finishing. Eclipse shook her head gently, taking a sip of tea. She was about to reply, when she noticed Blazefire eyeing her cup. She frowned, before replying.
"I see. Where exactly did you hear this? I would like to speak with them to further be informed. T……this d-does seem l….like a pr..problem……"
Eclipse blinked rapidly, staring at blazefire with a concerned expression. She could feel her body shutting down.
"B-blazefire….si…sister….wha….what was….in th…that….t…..tea…."
She said, just before falling over, slamming into the table. Ariande stared, mouth slightly agape in shock. Eclipse started turning a light gray, a sure sign that she was dead. Blazefire smiled politely, before standing. She grabbed Eclipse's body and dragged it off, leaving Ariande frozen. Ariande, slowly coming to her senses, made a small whimpering noise, before running towards the door. Just about to grab the handle, she suddenly stopped. A black aura surrounded her like coffin, forcing her to freeze.
The voice of her aunt rang around her like a bell. A shiver ran down her spine as a hand fell on her shoulder, a tear slipping down her face. Blazefire stepped into view, frowning.
"You trying to escape? Huh? You know this is your fault, right?"
Ariande stared, tears still streaming down her face as she strained to grab the door knob. Her mind going 1,000 miles a minute, panic filled her mind.
"This is entirely your fault. You poisoned her tea. Why? Because you're jealous. This is classified as treason. And you know what the punishment for treason is? Exile. Ariande, I, as the new Queen, sentence you to Exile to an unknown dimension."
Blazefire spoke, a grin slowly spreading like an infection across her face. Blazefire, still keeping up the freeze spell, grabbed her hands and placed them behind her back, tying them together. A gag materialized in her hand swiftly as she gagged Ariande. She grabbed Ariande's hair and opened the door, dragging her out. A dark portal appeared outside the house as Blazefire waved a hand.
"Annd thats the show folks…"
She murmured and she tossed Ariande into the portal, a grin planted on her face…
Guys im back with 2 new chapters
Hey, guys, it’s MrDemonRealz and I’m claiming teal coloring for the posting of the chapters of the origin story of ark detailing how the avatars in the game got there and the threats they go through. Hope you will enjoy!
The Shadows of Death
Chapter 5 - [Revenge is Quite Sweet…] (PART ONE OF TWO. The next part wont have a chapter description or anything, itll just have the story title, the chapter number and name, and be listed as part 2.)
Species in the Chapter:
Living Shadows
Characters in the Chapter:
Queen Blazefire - Queen of the Shadow Realm
Ariadne/Shadow(Mentioned) - Rightful Heir to the Throne
Eclipse(Mentioned) - Fallen Queen
Albus - The Queen's Personal Servant
About 28 years before the current time in the Club Parrot RP []
Character POV and Description:
Blazefire - Black skin, with black hair and glowing white eyes with no pupils. A dark aura floats around her like a cloud, like the rest of her species. She has a rather stern personality, never accepting failure.
Where the Chapter takes Place
The shadow realm. The shadow realm is sort of like a different planet, yet also not. It is only accessible by the portals Living Shadows can open. It can be described as a version of earth, but with a permanent cloak of darkness spread across it like snow.
She stared into the mirror, taking a deep breath. She wasn't even sure why she had it. Not like she appeared in the reflection. She inhaled sharply as a familiar pair of red eyes manifested in the mirror, before disappearing the moment she blinked. She cursed, waving it off with a growl. Albus was late….they were never late. Agh- whatever. It doesn't matter. That useless being would come eventually-
As if her very thoughts had summoned them, Albus burst into the room, carefully holding a small purple pillow. They stumbled over, eyes wide with panic. No doubt aware they were late.
“My deepest apologies, Your Majesty. I have your crown, and everyone is rallied outside of the palace, as you requested!”
“Good. It is so horrible my sister passed away due to that little traitor… I truly wish it was me in her place…”
She was able to easily fake her sadness, as Albus stuttered out a response
“D-Don’t say that! I’m sure she's glad you’re a-alive! You will do great in her place!”
She stayed silent, acting like she couldn’t continue. When really, her eyes were locked on something out of the corner of her eye… was that table……. Rattling? How? Nothing near it could be moving it… She brushed it off and grabbed the crown from Albus, and waved them out of the room. Once they had left, she got ready for her announcement, and walked out onto the balcony. Her eyes scanned across the sea of people, who all seemed to combine into a black mass due to the sheer amount. Her vision flashed briefly, everything was a gray-ish tint…blood covered the ground in puddles, bodies covered the area, screams rang out…until her vision snapped to normal…must be a side effect. She cleared her throat, and began her speech.
“My people! I am sure you must have heard by now that the queen was killed. I…was there when it happened. I could not prevent her death, but I know who did it. Her own daughter poisoned her! I was unable to grab them, before they escaped through a portal…I have not seen them since, so it's only fair to suspect they left the realm entirely… as the only remaining royal still here, I suppose it falls to me to take on the responsibility of being queen. So, as my first command as queen, I demand that you all keep an eye out for the traitor so they may be sufficiently punished. That.. is all for now. I will try my very best to keep this realm safe, and stable.”
Cheers rang out from the crowd. Listening to the praise…the support…it made her regret what she did even less.
She stepped back into the palace, waving off Albus to deal with those wanting questions. She walked to her quarters and basically face planted onto her bed. She couldn’t help but wonder where Ariadne ended up…who knows, maybe she ended up with humans…would serve her right.
“Cowards don’t deserve the position of queen…”
She froze…the voice sounded like a breeze, it came and left so quickly…but it was enough for her to recognise the voice.
“Oh dear, it seems you are mistaken sister…”
She paused, staring off into the distance, whispering one single thing
“It's rude to speak of yourself in such a way…”
Hey Guys MrGhostGamer here! I love Dododex. And I think most of you guys do too!(In my vocabulary guys means both boys and girls!) but I have seen some posts about people wanting too write story’s that are rated M! (Maturity) Which I don’t think is appropriate for some people on Dododex! Most of the people on Dododex are kids or tweens or teens!! Maturity is not appropriate for kids under twenty! (Younger kids I’m not saying what maturity is, I don’t think you should know till ur older!) Some states of maturity are SUPER inappropriate! So plz don’t ruin Dododex for kids! Lesson: DO NOT WRITE STORIES RATED M! Pls celebrate responsibly this season!
Yours Truly,
Hi I’m MrGhostGamer! I’m a HUGE fan of your stories Shadow!!! And um I have a question for you. I loved your story The Shadow Wranglers, can you plz continue it? I couldn’t find the chapters after Phoenix, so yeah. I love your stories! And if you want plz check out my story Hope’s Cry! It’s in The Island filter in abc order.
Hi I’m Ghost. Nice to meet u guys. Btw fuscia coloring is for us fan fictioners. Feel free to post stories or chat there. Pls come there there is not a lot of people yet and I love y’all stories.
-Ghost.(author of “the paw print path” in Dododex)