ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Hi guys. Nice to meet you.
More Marine Coloring Tips
Hi Wyverain and Bob the survivor! Love your stories! 😃
How do you pronounce Wyvernain properly? It seems like something everyone might be pronouncing differently. 🤔
-Lynx (Yes, I used an emoji for the first time in a long time)
I can't wait to buy ASA. I'm getting some offbrand Legos for 23 bucks on Amazon, and I'm going to use them for my ARK Lego things I make. I play on Xbox One, by the way. Name's GalaxyDragon124. Do not friend me, please, I don't really know you guys.
---Bob The Survivor, God Of The ARKs---
Hi guys it me again Ghost! I’ve noticed that not a lot of the fan fictioners are posting anymore. Just the new people. I know y’all are busy with life and stuff but pls come back sometime. We miss u guys. 🥹🥹🥹. #FF4L. ✌️.
Hi Wyverain! I’m Ghost. Don’t know if we’ve meet but hello. I really like your story heroes of pandora. Happy… um… Christmas break?
Hey Guys MrGhostGamer here! I love Dododex. And I think most of you guys do too!(In my vocabulary guys means both boys and girls!) but I have seen some posts about people wanting too write story’s that are rated M! (Maturity) Which I don’t think is appropriate for some people on Dododex! Most of the people on Dododex are kids or tweens or teens!! Maturity is not appropriate for kids under twenty! (Younger kids I’m not saying what maturity is, I don’t think you should know till ur older!) Some states of maturity are SUPER inappropriate! So plz don’t ruin Dododex for kids! Lesson: DO NOT WRITE STORIES RATED M! Pls celebrate responsibly this season!
Yours Truly,
Shadow? If your still here I’m still expecting an answer!! 😁(That wasn’t a threat!!!!!) I’m just saying!! I love the FanFiction stories!!!
Ok then, Wyvernain, I don't know if I spelled your name right. Sorry if I didn't.
---Bob The Survivor, God Of The ARKs---
I claim marine dye in the name of the writers currently in snail.