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Muddy fools, it wasn't Nazgûl or Dilo who started this, it wasn't even DtG,

It was obviously me for getting DtG to argue with me in dragon section and accidentally changing his personality to be warlike and intolerant of opposing views. ANYBODY could see that, even a blind deaf person with no. . . Sense of smell!

Yes I know that that's total nonsense but at least it saves us the trouble of wrongfully blaming Nazgûl by Nazgûl's own command because Nazgûl didn't start it.

It also saves us the trouble of wrongfully blaming Dilo Girl by DtG's own command because Dilo Girl didn't start it.

It also saves us the trouble of [REDACTED] blaming DtG by [REDACTED]'s own command because DtG [REDACTED] start it.

See, win win,

*Awkward cricket noise*

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