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Oh Peach, you're so cool, and with my star we're gonna rule, Peach... Understand...... I'm gonna love you till the very end..... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHRS PEACHES PEACHES IIIIII LOOOOOVVVVVEEEE YOOOOOOU!!!

Ohhh, Mario, Luig,i and a donkey Kong too, a thousand troops on koopas couldn't keep me from you.... And there you stand, at the end of the line, I'LLLL MAKE YOU MINE..... OHHHH PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES IIIIII LOOOOOOVVVVVE YOO- "Hey quiet up in there! It's lights out!" Don't you know who I am!?! I'm Bows--

If this isn't a tip on peach coloring, I don't know what is.

- A tired DinoSlayer

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