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Hello PrimalApex! I am The Nazgûl. I have a few stories that I have written so since you asked I will share them, however, most if not all are incomplete. My less experienced work starts in Rockwell, though it is fairly buried, my opinion: don’t bother looking it wasn’t that good. Then I went on to write in Overseer, and the a little in Desert Titan, and then some in Ice Titan. Those were my not so good stories, but if you are looking for something to read, they are there. Just look for my name at the top of them in the stories sections to find them. My better works consist of a few chapters in insect swarm of an overly complicated story that was starting as a rewrite to my first stories, although I am on a break from it because it will take a while to write. I had a collaborative with Lamprey in Shadowmane which I was fairly proud of though we did not finish. Finally, I am currently writing with Sunny in Wyvern and am pretty excited for how it is going to turn out. Hope this is what you were looking for :).


- HGA ttg The Nazgûl

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