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For those of you asking about being an OG, here’s what I would say. The fanfictioner community (at least when everyone met up in silver dye) began in September-October in 2020. The official OGs would be considered to be (in no specific order): PM, DTG, Seasnake, Swamp Guy, Skronkmonster, and Bob. If you were to go beyond that into the next few months of 2020 and count those people, it would include a lot more people, such as Lamprey, Dilo Girl, lava, Red Dragon, Apex, and myself, just to name a few. I still would only classify the first six as the actual OGs, although there were many of us out there who were ‘unofficially’ fanfictioners. Hopefully this clears up any questions and just so no one flips out, this my my perspective and entirely opinion based and limited to my knowledge of what happened. If anyone has anything to add, please feel free to do so, my feelings will not in any way be hurt.


- HGA ttg The Nazgûl

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