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The Blood War

Chapter thirteen

Bloom. Bloom. BLOOM?! How in all the ancestors’ tails was Bone supposed to BLOOM?! He paced furiously, scraping up the cliff that he stood on with his wicked claws. The corpse of an elk, limbs torn from its body and face shredded beyond recognition, was splayed nearby, just within the trees, blood staining the bark red.

“Bloom,” he muttered to himself, ears angling back. “Yeah, Journey, amazing advice! Now HOW THE OPPOSITE AM I SUPPOSED TO BLOOM?” His voice echoed off of the cliff, into the forest around him. Thick, white clouds whisked themselves through the air, and on the horizon, the hulking form of dark clouds, burdened with rain, were crawling in his direction. A storm was on its way.

He stomped his foot down, small pebbles skittering down the cliffside and clacking away into the woods below. “Don’t kill anymore, Bone,” he snarled to himself. “Be kind, Bone. Turn from the violence, Bone. Yeah, thank you SO MUCH! I NEVER thought of that MYSELF!” He spun around and attacked the elk corpse again, claws ripping apart the skin and exposing the flesh. He turned, grabbing one of the front legs in his jaws, and whipped it violently back and forth, spraying blood and scraps of skin in every direction.

Dropping it, he stood with his chest heaving, blood spattered all over the cliff-edge, flesh and reddened skin snagged in his claws. He sat down, bowing his head and closing his eyes to restrain tears. Whether they were frustration-sourced, or sadness, or cold amusement, he couldn’t tell. He could never tell anymore. He hadn’t been able to tell for five hundred years, if he was being honest to himself.

The wind that blew a storm his way suddenly carried voices up to his ears. “…hunting it. Nothing… kill it.” The voices grew clearer, and Bone’s heart dropped to his hollow stomach. “Find the Bone Beast.” A white wolf appeared visible in the trees, leading an entire pack of wolves. And there; standing beside the white wolf was Outlander, the coywolf he had nearly killed.

“Lead us to it, halfbreed,” the white wolf ordered. “And if any of you see it,” she continued, looking to the rest of the pack, “…kill on sight.”

Bone backed away from the cliff-edge, ears folding back. The eyes of a white wolf, slightly smaller than the alpha, drifted around and suddenly met his, and the cold, calculating expression turned venomous. A cruel smile crawled over his face, and he raised his head to bark the alert of spotting their prey.

- President Loki

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