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So um, The Dark One(dark one for short) is my alter personality. A bit ago he trapped me in a cage for like, 3 days until i had enough and got really mad and broke the cage. But yeah he's trapped in olive dye because he took over the dye and I thought it would be funny. Dark One himself cant send tips outside his dye like he used to, but he can apear next to me in a shadow of himself and chit-chat with people. Oh, and did I mention that Dark One is legit made of anger, rage, and dark thoughts? And because of that, if im REALLY mad, or its a certain holiday, he takes over, captures me, and then trys to make people mad, because it makes him stronger. But happy holidays like christmas dont work. Strangly enough, thankgiving works though, no idea why. I know it works because dark ones captured me on thanksgiving before. So yeah, oh and btw, I have other abilitys than possessing, unless you just dont want me to fight the kraken. If so I guess I'll just leave then :(


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