ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Its godddd life saver it cave or low hp use this brew
More Medical Brew Tips
Great for everything!
Low on health? Med brew.
Cave? Med brew.
Dungeon? Med brew.
Hotel? Trivago.
Medical brews DONT heal your dinos, they only heal you. Update so others know.
when your cooking it use thatch instead of wood so it doesn’t produce charcoal so it doesn’t make red die
Whoever stated the charcoal fact is a hero
Medbrews only work on humans. If your looking to heal a dinosaur, use a tek pistol, daeodon, or meat if it’s a carnivore.
If on ASA disable Auto-Craft in the cooking pot inv in order to prevent the dye from crafting before the brew.
Best things in the game very usefull
These are really easy to make and you can make them very early into the game and can store extras in a preserving bin.
A stack will last for a while since one rots every 20 hours.
Most importantly, in situations like fighting hypothermia there will be times when you try to heal naturally from cooked food but you won’t be able to with a full stomach.
When the ability to regenerate health as quickly as needed to survive is being halted by cold, poison, drowning etc.
Brews can be a complete life saver in such scenarios.
You can also use spark powder so you don't make red dye
The most reliable source of health for all of your survival needs... Basically the Estuk flasks of ARK :)