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Waning Unity

Chapter Eleven

With watchful eyes, Fraser followed Lume to where this new wolf was hidden, keeping an eye on the ethereal wolf whom seemed to grow bluer as they drew nearer. From the few words Lume had mentioned of this wolf, she was alone.

Movement flickered in the well-flourished woods ahead and they followed, Fraser sucking in deep breaths until he found her scent, sorting through files of his old pack mates’ smells to see if he recognized her. As he thought, wandering through the library that was his mind, he slowed slightly, distracted by a whirlwind of thoughts, falling behind Lume. He again came attuned to his surroundings and realized his mistake, hurrying to catch up to his mystic acquaintance. His path was intercepted by a strange wolf, her fur a mixture of dark and light brown, her smell marching that of the one which they were following. Fraser paused for a moment, looking at her, knowing that he knew her name but straining to bring it to words, and he could see that she was doing the same.

“Fraser?” she said finally, and he responded with, “Wildflower?”

His guess was correct, because she smiled. Yes, now he remembered- Wildflower had always been one of the kindest wolves of his pack, very polite when it came to his knowledge sharing. But he had thought the same thing about Boa and Harrier, and they had tried to kill him. He had to be careful, he reminded himself, as he gave a sidelong glance to Lume, who had stopped and turned around hearing their voices. Now she was walking back, her fur still radiating a vibrant blue glow that seemed to signify peacefulness.

Wildflower gave Lume a sidelong glance, but despite the mighty wolf’s size, she didn’t seem phased. “What are you doing here?” she asked, more out of curiosity than anything. “Who’s your friend?”

Fraser followed her gaze, shifting his feet just a bit; it was very subtle, but not subtle enough for Lume to avoid noticing and certainly taking note of. It was one of his nervous ticks, similar to fidgeting his tail, averting his eyes, and chewing the inside of his own mouth. He couldn’t help it but it was certainly annoying when wolves could see that he was nervous when he did it. “Her name is Lume,” he told her as she drew closer, looking over again at Wildflower. “She’s helping me find the pack.”

Wildflower tilted her head to the side slightly, returning her warm, gentle caramel-colored eyes to stare intently at Fraser. Her gaze was filled with such gentleness, such earnesty, it caught him off guard. Her attitude was a welcome change from the wild aggression of the outside world. “Why are you looking for the pack, Fraser? Everyone went their own separate way,” she told him, as if he didn’t already know such a thing. Reliving the memory sent daggers stabbing into his heard and he swallowed down a whimper of sadness at such a loss they had faced. But he couldn’t let the dejection and regret drag him down now, not when he was so close. Wildflower was here, right here, and it was finally time to continue his quest of reuniting the pack. Once and for all.

“I’m bringing the pack back together,” he told her.

- President Loki

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