ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies
Bring therizinosaurus’s they are good with veggie cakes
More Dragon Tribute (Gamma) Tips
Bring Army of Magmasaur, They Don't Take Fire Damage and They're Not Carnivores (Since They Eat Stones) So They Won't Take Any Double Damage 🔥.
s.o. .P.e.o.p.l.e. c.a.n. s.e.e. i.t. a.n.d S.a.v.e. T.h.e.i.r. D.i.n.o.s.
Use herbivores it does double damage to carnivores
Though they are carnivores, Deinonychus are recommended as they do a bleed affect and can latch onto the dragon while it is in the air.
Gamma does not use allo brain. You can use only artifacts to start it.
Mutate Wolves and then bring a big creature like a T-Rex or something like that and the dragon will only chase you and only try to do damage to you. It won’t try to damage your wolves.
What ever you do DON’T BRING YOUR REX ARMY thinking oh it’s gamma it should be easy 💀💀💀
Bring therizinos with more damage and alright health because the dragon does fire damage
Don’t have all your Dino’s and best stuff it takes all of your stuff away
Call king Ghidorah
Ok Ra
Thank GID
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