ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

On Fjordur there is a cave called The Shimmering Halls located at 12.5 62.6. In this cave you can harvest polymer from boxes that spawn by a anvil found in the cave. There is a bridge that goes straight and right. It is on the right. These boxes respawn and give you polymer, metal, and obsidian.
More Polymer Tips
Hey you probably think that big frog looks like a goober but guess what he is by far the best cement paste farm ever other than le snail.
Never stop crafting this. Just when u think u have enough, and want to craft something, turns out u need 500 more
Why does the obsidian have to be so heavy!!!!
ARK MOBILE: This method is preferable for single player as youll receive 100% of your materials back if you destroy a structure. What you want to do is grab yourself some clubs and go kill as many penguins as you can for organic polymer. You then want to place that organic polymer in a fabricator and make vaults - I typically do around 4- Destroy them and instead of recieving organic polymer, it’ll be converted to regular polymer. Repeat the process :D
Organic poly will work instead of regular poly if you’re in a pinch. Otherwise just craft it with obsidian and and cementing paste in a fabricator.
On ark mobile, if you are on casual difficulty you can use an achatina to get organic polymer by logging out then back in, then craft something with a fabricator with the organic polymer.(make sure you have enough of the other resources and make sure to make 2)Then place 1 then the other (i used elevator track), then get 1 of them back (there is a short time where you can pick up the structure without destroying it) then destroy the other one. You will get polymer instead of organic polymer. Rinse and repeat and you have virtually infinite polymer.
I. See a face in this =l.
U will need this all the time once u get a fabricator and u need obsidian and segmenting paste and personal I found it hard to kill animals for like 4 keratin so if ur on the island go in between the snow area and redwood forest and u will see a Rivar there will be some dams now if u haven’t looked in the dams then u will be rich but if u look in the m often then u won’t have as much
Upgrade a moschomps for harvesting polymer then run around killing ducks