ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
Well, Playing ark mobile you can get leech blood in swarmp area. just go there and go all out, just run in the swamp like a mad man with you op tame you kill leech and get the leech blood in tame inventory, dont try to search this leech cause it really hard to spot them.. Just make sure that tame can survive any threat in the swamp in case you got disconnected in the game.. dont know why I also get Angler in the swamp while running like a mad man in there.
I don’t know the chances but on mobile you can rarely get leech blood in free gift boxes.
Use this when fishing for great drops!
On mobile leeches are one of the rarest creatures in game in fact of 3 years of playing this game I only had 2 encounters with them and I go into the swamp very often.
If you want to attack a leech first get a araneo with a saddle ride the araneo so it doesn’t stick on you
If you kill big corrupted dinos like T Rexes or Spinos they give you leech blood for some reason.
Death worms are also able to drop blood
you can farm thousands of these in the bug cave in the island with a megatherium
Using a wooden club will give you so much more! Saves a ton of time
You cannot extend leech blood spoil time by any means, except on a fishing pole, which is lame.
Be prepared to use immediately it for fishing or whatever and just craft antidotes with the rest. Antidotes can be stored in the preserving bin.
If your looking to farm leech blood, go to the center island at the center map and around the border is all swamp, so take your megatherium and go ham👍
This is also dropped by deathworm.
It is used to make a lesser antidote. And is a good fishing bait!
Get on your Quetz, swim the swamp and eat the swamp. Go home with Leech Blood.
Infected leech gives more blood then normal one.
Killing a Death Worm on Lost Island(pc) can drop leech blood.
They are hella OP and this will help u get hella meat
In the southwest of Lost Island there are a couple flat rivers with loads of leeches. His these areas with a spino or a giga and you will have a lifetime supply in about two minutes.
Wooden club = sooooooo much leech blood
Take a Rex to swamp and just spam chomp (You might not see all the leeches.) They’re the best because they’re super easy to tame (Unlike gigas) and you can’t get kaprod off it. (Like sabers or shadowmanes)