ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

For people on pve servers,we usually trade things,dinos upgraded BP's,and other resources for dust,so if you can/do play on pve,save up dust. It will help
More Element Dust Tips
Saw a guy on reddit who bred 2 tek parasaurs constantly and when the babies died he would farm them for dust and scrap metal. Ruthless, but efficient
Forbidden fun dip
When you are in the Extinction Map: Hit the Lamps, benches and Tables in the City with a Doedi. You get a lot of dust! Easy way to get Full Tech Armor.
Once you open the engram Element fron Ext, you can craft Element from the dust. Use a weight Argy and pump points into Doedic's weight as well to take more swings per flight. They do not get extra dust from melee points. Have been farming for a while to know the difference now 🙂
Take a good doed to extinction stay in sanctuary and attack every light poll and bench you see they pay out heavy in dust, electronics and crystal
You can breed tek animals and kill the babies with a chainsaw and bam your farming element dust
You can also get element dust from tek dinos
Just vandalise the local benches tables and lamps in extinction to get easy element dust.
On extinction go to a element vein, bring a mantis with metal tools, and watch the element dust pile up
Get tek animals breeding let the babies grow up and kill them and harvest with chainsaw or highest dmg weapon you have