ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I love these animals I plying whith the animals
More Griffin Kibble (Old ARK Mobile) Tips
Sucks how this is the only thing that can tame a unicorn
Always make more then needed. Taming calculator isn’t always accurate.
Snake plant seeds do not look like that… they need to update the picture because thats a yellow berry not a snake plant seed. Plz fix this to show correct pictures because it’s very confusing to new comers who think they have a bunch of these but they can only be purchased with amber not picked up like other seeds!
Snake grass seeds are in decorations and gardening in the shop, if some people are confused
If you want to find a royal griffin, look at the map and look at the green obelisk ( in other words the green tower) then go there look at map again and find a mountain up north, the mountain is near the carno island. Careful, because there will be gigas that can spawn to the mountain near carno island
The easier way is go top right and go to carno island but stop to the mountain that's is near the island, go near the mountain, if you find an unusual argy with four leggs and the name is not griffin or argy, then its definitely a royal griffin,
Tge names are like a players name, you can only tame them with the same surname ( about three the same letters in the ending bit) or you can tame them over level 85.
Tame 2 low level Griffin's first with allo kibble and then breed them for egg and then get the kibble
Or use a tek kibble processor
It’s clear that griffins are really cannabalistic and love eating their own kinds egg because this is way more efficient that allo especially if it’s a super griffin kibble
Good tip: Don't look at the image of resources shown in dododex before reading its name. As dodoex don't have images of many resources that are exclusive to mobile, they are just using random images. Eg: The image of the snake plant seed for griffin kibble recipe is actually the image of amarberry seed. Snake plant seeds are only available on store and cannot be harvested from anything
Get two griffins low lvl and then breed them and make lots of eggs and make kibble and u can tame a high lvl griffin easily, and the griffin have to be male and female and it has to have the same last 2 letters at the end!
If you buy two snake plants seeds with Amber (yes it requires 15 Amber and gives you two seeds) and then plant it. Keep checking the crop plot as it will also generate new snake plant seeds (as long as u keep it fertilised and watered) so you don't have to buy tons of seeds with amber. Hope that helps :)