ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Can you use this for a angler that prefers regular kibble?
More Superior Kibble Tips
Instead of trying to remember all the different egg sizes and what they make or combing through your fridges while looking at the app, just read the egg description. It says provides simple nutrition, regular nutrition, exceptional nutrition etc. Which corrosponds with regular kibble, exceptional kibble and so forth.
Isn't it weird that Moschops lay such larger eggs than trikes?!?!
Produced by: Argentavis
Preferred by: Argentavis
Me: so you cannibal?
Ahh yes moschops has large egg 🥚
To the person who asked about the tree sap, I think you get it by crafting a tree sap tap and place it in one of these giant trees in the redwoods.
Us moschop eggs because it is the easiest to take
Tame some moschops early game and start collecting there eggs and than u dont have to go out taming allos and argies
I've been trying to craft this for the past hour. Been searching the web for what I was missing. I thought it was a paper recipe or the amount of items I was using only to realize...I forgot the egg. Don't be like me. Don't forget the most important ingredient 🤦♀️.
To get sap get an archypteryx and put it on wander and throw it at a big redwood tree and wait for it to come back down you will get some sap relatively quickly
Get a massive mosscop farm and cover 2 red wood trees in taps and bam easy way to get kibble