ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Above the dwarven statue on fjord is a lake in there are butt tons of silica pearls
More Silica Pearls Tips
In ARK: Survival Evolved; Mobile, and even in the regular the Island, there is an Island in the south known as South Haven Island. It consists of purely herbivores, and pteranodons. There is always at least two ankylosaurus at one time, and often more, and the only creatures on the crescent-shaped island are triceratops, ankylosaurus, brontosaurus, parasaurolophus, pteranodon, many coelacanth, and most often, basilosaurus, ichthyosaurus, and megalodons, along with far-off leedsycthis. Titanosaurus will occasionally spawn there, and, if they step off of the back of the island, its slope is too steep for any dino to easily overcome. Furthermore, the numerous metal nodes respawn rapidly, much more quickly than anywhere else, and there are silica pearls in extreme amounts in the inner beach, which also respawn practically as soon as you look away. There are also large sections of the island where you can make massive bases, even along the sandbars. I hope that this helps, Wanderers. From.: OMEGA, Hunter of Shadows.
On The Island, Silica Pearls can be easily found in the top left corner of the map (about 30 lat, 10 lon) they're seen as large white and blue stones in the water.
also put fur on cause its in an arctic zone, funny story on how i almost died in one of the stupidest ways possible
For Ark: Survival Ascended!
Angler fish + south & east side of the ocean I’ve had best luck obtaining decent amounts, it’s all scattered so no big pods/groups.
Ocean caves also have a good bunch! Make sure to bring a sickle as there’s tons (TONS) of grass/fiber that you have to harvest before you get the silica. Hope this help!
At roughly 39 59 on crystal isles you'll find thousands of them all clustered together.
On ark mobile there’s oysters on the beach harvest them and u get like 9-15 pearls per oyster
Hope this helped
Why are these so hard to get in asa
On Crystal Isles, at about 42 40 there is a little white lake. There is a waterfall in the lake, and on either sides close to the waterfall are around 1000 silica pearls, + the ones in the beaver dams. Just be careful because in my case there was a Yuty pretty close by.
For ASA players on Scorched Earth:
Check the Obilisks. I personally found the most pearls at the Red one.
go to the snow island at 30 lat, 10 lon. There are tons of trilobites which drop silica pearls and black pearls. white and blue rocks in the water (not the white and black oil rocks) can also give you silica pearls. you also need silica pearls for yuty saddles for bosses. Hoped this helped!
Beaver dams also have a chance to give silica pearls too.