ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

They usually take 33 to 34eggs for dodo eggs or parasol or eggs or anything like that
More Oviraptor Kibble (Old ARK Mobile) Tips
Best Megalosaurus are found in middle chamber
U can steal ovi egg but they won’t let u escape with its egg easily
Find oviraptors in jungles best use snow owl and its ability for infra red to find creatures it's small creature they boosting egg lying speed when closet to hatchery , at least what I heard and on gender it should not depend , they eat eggs tame knockout torpor darts or narcotic arrows
Carefull for the oviraptors when stealing the egg, they won’t let you get away easily.
I say tame a ovitaptor when you have a bola and I recommend you use either a giga egg or a quetzal egg
Tame an oviraptor, steal eggs. That easy
Oviraptors are easy to kill
Just get its egg, pull out a powerful weapon and kill it
To the person who said oviraptors won't let you get away, THEY run away from YOU not the other way around. Stealing the egg is a piece of cake and extremely easy as they spawn everywhere. Hope this helps someone!
U can tame a low level female ovi to easily get their egg