ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
How to get: Indi Grinder. Mobile Edition, Casual
Metal: if you are having a stay at your artic home run Massive Cave (strategies in the artifact) and tribute for Rev Platform, after, just scrap for 200 metal
Polymer: 2 things, kill penguins, Grab obsidian
Oil: Get a shartload of basilos or mine the oil rocks in the artic
Crystal: mine some from volcano or the artic (again)
Cementing Paste; Rob beaver dams, or if you're a lightweight survivor, make it with stone and Chitin
When on Ark Mobile, be sure to grind your amber for potent dust in the grinder to get a lot more than the mortar.
In Ark Mobile, if you are on casual you can use the organic polymer you get from grinding, craft a grinder/industrial forge and break it to turn organic polymer into polymer.
The Artifact of the immune sometimes provide 10 or 15 ancient amber.
If you make an artifact of the strong farm, it sometimes gives you compound bows, grind it to get 100-200 metal and organic polmer. (To make an artifact farm, use any foundation and any bed you can get, and set it near the artifact spawner thing, it might say "too close to enemy structure" but it worked for me.
1 wood = 1 thatch and 2 stone = 1 flint in ARK Mobile
If you are short on metal in ark mobile Artifact of the Skylord gives Revival Platform also known as 200 metal for basically no effort (look at the tips section on the artifact itself