ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
This saddle is fairly cheap for the phiomia's utility. Fill its inventory with stimberries and it will poop a lot, give that poop to a dung beetle and then it will make oil and fertilizer. Put the pair in a green house with crops and you got 2 hard working fellas.
More Phiomia Saddle Tips
The most basic saddles of basic saddles
They are only good for poop so I would just go for it once you have a greenhouse
Just go to a drop, I have like 30 of these from drops
wouldnt waste my engram points on this saddle if i were ya, phiomia doesnt have much uses tbh. (i could be wrong, im a fairly new player)
Don’t go trying to kill thing with it it’s really weak it’s only good for poop. OuO