ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

The Omega Timeline Chapter 54 and Finale of the First Arc: Light VS Darkness Part One
Andrew floated there in silence. He felt as though he was ice cold yet he was warm. His eyes closed. He remembered what happened to him and when he called out to Aragorn for help, but he didn’t know what happened after that as a feeling overwhelmed him and he blacked out.
“Awaken” a voice called, this voice being strange to Andrew’s ears. Sounding human yet not. He opened his eyes to find himself in a dark abyss. Fear slowly began to creep into Andrew’s heart, isolation and fear struck him as his breathing intensified. Where did he go? What happened after he blacked out?
“Let your eyes adjust.” the voice said, which only made him panic more and his eyes shut.
“Open your eyes and let them adjust.” The voice said, the voice being so alien yet conforming. Andrew was hesitant but opened them in trust only to be met with darkness once again. But as his eyes adjusted he began to see light, only a few flickering lights at first. But as time passed, those numbers grew more and the light intensified until he realized that he was in space and the lights were stars and constellations. Andrew looked at himself and saw he still wore his armor and had a piece of his bow still with him, but his one hand and arm were almost entirely made of light and veins.
“Interesting thing you are.” The voice said as a being of energy and veins came into view for Andrew. It seemed to stare at him with a curious smile.
“You aren’t like any of the others that mysteriously arrived, are you? But you’re not like us Homo Deus in this odd form accounting for your face being partially normal and the light you are emitting instead of energy. It’s quite interesting.” The being said, Andrew thought for a moment, about what this being was saying about him. He went to reach for his face only to feel his hand pass through his jaw; yet when he touched the top of his head, it didn’t.
“What- what happened to me?” He said aloud, a tinge of fear cracking from his voice.
“As I said, I am not quite sure what exactly happened-” “What are you?” Andrew asked interrupting the being,
“As I said, I am a Homo Deus. Whilst my human name I no longer know. But my Homo Deus name now is The One Who Knows.” He said,
“Homo Deus? Like Trans-Human?”
“In a word, yes. Homo Deus is the next evolutionary step that we created. But you are something else. And your form seems to be temporary. But the longer you are in this form resting. The more time you can spend in this form. But it is temporary.” The One Who Knows said,
“Well, where am I? What is this place?” Andrew asked,
“A place no normal human has ever seen, you would be the first. The edge of the universe.” The One Who Knows said, Andrew’s eyes widened as he stared out to what was ahead, seeing several branches of light sprouting further ahead of him in his view. It was beautiful and he began moving towards it before The One Who Knows held him back and shook his head.
“No. You can’t.” He said, Andrew looked at him with confusion.
“Why? What are those?” Andrew asked,
“Crossing any universe’s border to another universe is a death sentence for most. And those who do survive are only the strongest of Homo Deus. I crossed, but it nearly destroyed me.” The One Who Knows said, Andrew turned and was shocked.
“Other universes? So this is a multiverse? And we could leave?” He asked, The One Who Knows shook his head.
“No, you can’t.” He said
“What do you mean we can’t? You can’t hold us here!” Andrew said,
“As I said before Andrew Lang. Only the strongest of Homo Deus that cross an edge of a universe will survive to the other side. Anything else will be reduced to quark matter. No one can leave. I don’t hold you here to keep you here but to protect you.” He said, Andrew lowered his head and nodded. And he raised his head and looked at the being's face.
“I never gave you my name. In fact, I haven’t told anyone my full name. How-” “I am The One Who Knows, Andrew. I know about you and all of your new friends, and know you all aren’t from this universe. But I don’t know how you got here nor how you can leave safely with the others.”
“If you’re The One Who Knows, why don’t you know these things or even know what I am then?” He said, the being chuckled as he flew around Andrew in circles.
“I know very many things, many more than you think. But I am not all-knowing. Homo Deus are not gods. We die, we learn and we make mistakes, just like any mortal Andrew. From my original universe, I had watched many of my kind lose their minds or pass beyond their lives and into death. I watched centuries in that universe, doing as the others said, not caring for those less evolved than ourselves. But I met one of us who said it wasn’t our place to have such great power and let it toil away. I wonder if she was right. I didn’t listen to her though, and with that, I ended up in this universe.” he said, Andrew looked sorry for the being for a moment.
“I’m sorry that you ended up here like us.” Andrew said,
“Thank you, it isn’t all that bad being here though, there are many wonders here. Things that I have never seen before and many things I have barely scratched the surface of. Also, I never said I didn’t know what you are. You asked what happened to you, to which I don’t exactly know the process.” The One Who Knows continued,
“Really? Then what am I?” Andrew asked,
“You are… Hope. You are Light and Good. You are the Herald of Light.” He said,
“I don’t understand. I refused what the dagger offered, I refused its power.” Andrew stated, The One Who Knows smiled at him.
“Funny how one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. It was a test and you answered correctly to become The Herald of Light. You were chosen for this power.” He answered. Andrew floated there in silence for a moment. He didn’t want this power, he felt that he would use it against its use. But if he was chosen out of all the others… why? He didn’t understand it, but what was done was done. He was chosen for this position and he would try to right.
“How do I use this power right?” He asked, the Homo Deus nodded and sighed softly.
“Trust your heart in what is right, but use your mind in your judgment of strength. And never lose your hope or good nature.” He stated. Andrew waited there for a moment in silence. Before looking at this being.
“Then I have to go.” Andrew said,
“But you should wait, Andrew, gain your full strength, and learn all that entails with being The Herald before heading for the war you will enter.” The being said,
“I can’t, I have to help them now. They need me.”
“At least choose your design of a weapon.” He said,
“What?” Andrew said.
“You can control all spectrums of light. You can use it to build and harness your light energy into a weapon form of your choice.” The being said, Andrew grabbed the piece of his fractured bow and light began forming around into a new bow of light.
“I already got one.”
“Then. Bid you farewell Lang, The Herald of Light. I hope you bring balance to this chaotic world.” The One Who Knows said, Andrew nodded as he flew across the vacuum of space back towards the world he came from. The One Who Knows watched for a moment before getting entangled in his own thoughts. He had many more things he needed to learn about. But he would need to thank that strange being for appearing if he ever came across him again. If he never showed up when he did, The One Who Knows would have been no more. It put a smile on his face. He thought he knew everything he needed to know about this universe. But this strange being’s persistent questions got him to wonder what else was out there, in this oddity of a universe. And one question immediately rose to his thoughts. Who or what created this strange anomaly of a universe? Because nothing about this universe felt natural. Was it an advance race of beings or some other possibility. But once he found this out, and the many other questions that began to arise in his mind. Then he would finish what he was going to start.
Drain sat in the pool for what had been a couple of hours. The pain was nearly gone and he felt stronger tenfold to what he was after drinking the dragon’s blood. He raised himself out of the pool, his bones cracking and popping as he shifted his stance to that more similar to a demonic wyvern. As he was more wyvern than he was bat by now. His scales rattled together making an ungodly sound and black mist emitted from his body. As he spread his wings to take flight, he took a deep breath in. Smelling death and destruction.
“Time to embrace my destiny.” He said as he let out a horrific call that all of the land could hear.
Many hours before this and once all the villains had convened. The counsel of villains stood around a map they found in one of the rooms planning on their next steps of attack and actually were getting somewhere with a good plan. Planning on a strategic attack that the heroes would not be able to counter and have no chance to fight against. All were in near agreement, all except Sig. She lay in the corner listening to the conversation as she licked her chops.
Sig was bored with all this planning. Planning anything was boring for her. She hated to plan more than a fun way to kill, cause chaos, or manipulate someone’s mind. And this plan was making things far too easy of a victory and no fun for her. Even when losing she would be having peak enjoyment of trying to kill everything in the slowest most painful manner or causing chaos. But one thing they had agreed to was no morbid killing or chaos unless it was a part of the plan. Make it quick and effortless. But this was something she was entirely against. All of them were thinking of double-crossing the others at some point anyway so it seemed pointless to just make this rule up. Her favorite thing was killing and killing slowly and painfully was what she loved most. Asking her to kill quickly was asking her to well, stop having fun. She needed to stop this nonsense and get them to just blindly attack the city again so she could kill for the gore and flesh that she so craved.
Then an idea sprung into her head. She would divide them or at least cause them to scrape this plan and just rush in. Cause distrust, greed, and jealousy among them. They all planned on double-crossing each other for these reasons so why not cause some chaos here? She started with the weak-minded and most wanting to betray. Ones like the dumb monkey and the hot-headed/full-of-himself creature. These two had easy mind tampering as the monkey was an imbecile and the tiny monster with much of an ego wanted power. As she tampered with their thoughts. Apex pointed at a specific part of the map.
“Now we know that I will lead an attack on the South and Jerry will lead an assault on the East. But we need an attack from the North and someone to lead that assault.”
“Me thinks I should lead.” Caldren said, the King Titan scoffed at this.
“You? You are nothing more than an imbecile.” He said.
“Me better fighter. Me should lead and we will squish them.” Caldren said.
“But I am the better leader. You not only lack brain cells, but you also lack experience in warship.”
“I do lack smartness. But you too small to lead.” Caldren said, the King Titan grits his teeth as Caldren said this.
“You dare mention this again. I am a hundredfold stronger than you. In fact, I am stronger than all of you!!” He bellowed,
“Enough of this King Titan. Let us not get this.” Apex said,
“And why should I dragon? Who put you in charge? If anyone should be lead-”
“It should be me?” Michael said arrogantly, everyone looked at him and they all busted into laughter.
“You? Hardly, you can’t even hold your own in a situation.” Rockwell said,
“No, but I have good leadership skills.”
“You have good skills at pushing your work and leading the needs of others. You’re nothing but a child.” Captain Shortstacks said hobbling over. “I on the other hand have discipline and have led my crew of my ship in-”
“Hah! One ship isn’t the same as leading a kingdom. And in all offense but I don’t think our leader should be a cripple. I should be the one to lead us” Ember announced. The entire room burst out into bickering and arguing as nearly everyone thought they had a good reason for why they should be the leader. Those whose thoughts began to question why they were arguing were quickly reminded they were arguing by Sig’s mind mimicking. However, the intelligent ones were difficult to do this with as they questioned these thoughts. But with enough time, she still prevailed.
As they bickered at high volume. One of the humans named Samuel got up and walked out in front of everyone and shouted something at the top of his lungs until he got everyone’s attention and they all quieted down.
“Alright, since no one is agreeing with anything right now and we can’t really do this plan without everyone’s cooperation… why don’t we just rush them now while they're at their weakest? They won’t stand a chance if we have a strategy or not. With this group's full power. Nothing will stop us.” Samuel said, Sig smiled with glee.
‘I agree, I think we should forget all this nonsense and just attack them. I’m craving flesh.’ He implanted into everyone’s thoughts, everyone slowly agreed with some help from Sig and began marching towards the entrance of the Shadowkeep. Sig smiled and looked at Samuel.
‘You coming?’ She directed only to Samuel. He nodded and looked at her.
“Yeah, yeah I’ll be right there.” He said with an unreadable expression. She quickly tried to read his thoughts but wasn’t able to find anything. She smiled at him as she left with the others to attack the heroes one last time.
Leaving Samuel by himself. He sighed to himself, he was glad he got rid of them. He didn’t know if a rush would work and honestly, he didn’t care. He couldn’t care if they all died or if they won. All he cared about was trying to get out of this place and there had to be something here that could get him home. He didn’t care if any of the others in his group died. They betrayed him, and they had no use for him anymore. Now it was time for him to get out of this place and back home to those who only mattered to him. To Nova, and his parents.
Drain flew over the city with a black mist following his every motion. Blocking out the light wherever it went. He peered down at the city. Seeing the heroes preparing for battle but not expecting to see the demonic figure flying above them. Immediately they began helping and guiding citizens of the city to areas they would be protected in. Drain soared over the large buildings of the city as he saw this going on. He smiled feeling fear throughout the citizens of the city as they saw him. He landed on top of one of the tallest buildings, breaking part of it as he did. He laughed at the sight of citizens in fear.
“Yes!! Run!! Fear me or you shall all perish!!” He said. As he said this, he felt something hit his throat hard. Causing him to cough in a choking manner. He peered down to see the three hero wyverns and some sort of glowing metal thing standing there below the building.
“Pick on someone your own size.” The one called Sylveevee said as she turned into a wyvern, Drain smiled at this.
“And you think you three can stop me?” He said,
“Four, and yeah. I think we can.” The metal thing said as its voice echoed. Suddenly the four bursted into the air and began attacking the Drain. The wyverns started blasting him with their breath as the metal thing shot strange blue concussive blasts at him. Yet none of it seemed to hurt or penetrate his demonic scales. As they flew around him, Drain spread out his massive wings and took to the skies. Black mist bellowed from him as he entered into the sky.
Erica and the others tried to attack him but the wyverns stopped after seeing how feudal it was. Erica though continued her firing assault on the monster seeing some hint of irritation, whether it was amusement for irritating him, anger, or just plain stubbornness. She wasn’t even sure.
The monster looked at this with glee. He clapped his wings and shot up far above everyone flying’s heads. Enveloping them all in black mist that turned everything into darkness. Erica tried turning on her night vision but that didn’t help. She turned on her scanner and saw the others, they seemed to be panicking. And slowly she watched one fall out of view of the scanner. With the many spikes outlined on the creature’s head, it must have been Sheeri. As she fell out of sight, one flew into her view and then fell out of sight as she did. Sylveevee. She watched as she fell down and then she saw Tago, she seemed flustered and fearful, and as she fell to the ground that was out of the scanner’s field. Erica was hit with fear. She was alone against a monster many times her size. She held the rifle in her hands tight.
‘What happened to the others that made them fall out of the sky? And why didn’t it happen to me?’ She thought, though it wasn’t time to think about that. She was in a shark tank without a cage and she couldn’t see the shark. She kept spinning around, trying to see if she could pick up the monster. As she did, she picked up something on her scanner. She raised her barrel in that direction as she prepared to fire. Before she was sideswiped by something and watching helplessly as she crashed into a building. She lay there in agony. She felt her body get lifted up and she stared into the eyes of the demon before her. His face is like that of a Japanese demons.
“Now why didn’t you fall?” He asked before lifting her into the and with full force put her through the entire building. Turning the entire building into rubble. Everything in Erica’s body was in pain, she heard her suit doing a diagnostic check on her body.
“No fractures detected.” The autonomous voice said. She groaned at this.
“Bull.” She said under her breath. All of the others gathered around the Herald of Darkness that stood above Erica.
“Look unto these four heroes. This can be what happens to you if you resist. Bow before me!” Drain bellowed, the heroes looked at him.
“I would rather die than bow to a big bloody bastard like you.” Aurora said, Drain's face showed anger and distaste. Purple flame erupted from his demonic mouth as it went forth towards the left side of the heroes where Aurora stood as they tried to escape the flames in vain. Though the fire didn’t burn them, it caused them to panic and fear just like the three before them causing them to fall to the ground in terror. Drain looked to the other side of the group of heroes.
“Anyone else wish to defy me?” He said, none of the heroes moved from their spot. Staying strong to what Aurora said.
“Alright then…” Drain said, inhaling deeply preparing to engulf them all in flames. Before he got shot in the head, exasperating his breath. Then something rammed into his leg as this happened. Causing him to lose balance, he caught himself with his wings making a thunderous slam to the ground.
“Ow bout you take this on for size!!!” A voice said, Drain quickly glanced to his side to see a large blur ram straight into his head. Causing him to collapse to the ground. In a dazed state, he watched as glowing metal things and a Reaper King came in, and started grabbing those humans and creatures that were lying on the ground, then grabbing the ones that stood.
“No, No!!” Drain muttered under his breath. One of these metal beings came right up to them and picked up the one that was under him.
“Jeez, you're not light.” He said,
“Sylas!!” Erica screamed, he looked at the creatures standing around in confusion. She then saw Nova and someone riding on top of her. Freya in a suit of Riot and two battle axes strapped to her waist. She smiled at Erica before looking at the rest that were left.
“What are you waiting for? RUN!!!” Freya said as she and Nova took off into the sky and flew away and Sylas and Erica quickly followed. Drain began picking himself up as he snapped at the running man and saw the creatures getting away. He let out an ear-piercing roar stunning them as he began to give chase.
“STOP!!” A familiar voice said, and he stopped and watched as the heroes got away. In anger, he turned to see all of the other villains coming up behind him. Drain could feel their anger, their rage, the darkness that was inside them. Drain felt empowered by this for some unexplained reason, and he smiled.
“I see you all have finally come to help.” Drain said in sarcasm.
“Look, this doesn’t have to get messy.” The King Titan said,
‘We could let it get messy.’ Sig interrupted with a grin on her face.
“But I feel it would be a waste of our time.”
“Then bow. That’s all you have to do.” Drain said. The King Titan’s arm began glowing magenta. Apex walked up next to the King Titan and snorted smoke out of his snout.
“I don’t think so, I only bow to father. And I have only failed him once, with this one. I will not fail this time.” Apex said. The King Titan growled in irritation as he stepped forward, ahead of the dragon.
“That’s not what I was thinking. Join us or be forced to yield.” He spoke, and Drain smiled. Apex seemingly siding with the monster.
‘Wait, I have seen him beat Apex with ease. I can’t win against both of th-’ Drain stared at Sig with irritation.
‘Your mind tricks don’t work on me anymore monstrosity. I am more powerful than you could imagine.’ He thought with disdain, Sig frowned in disbelief. Drain stared back at the King Titan and Apex.
“Both of you bow and I won’t humiliate either one of you.”
“I BOW TO NO ONE!!” He bellowed, charging Drain with his full might, Apex taking to the skies as he said this. As the King Titan charged, trying to land a blow onto Drain. Drain shot forward, grabbed his forearm, and took off into the air. The King Titan roared in anger and began thrusting his free fist into the chest of Drain. But the hit was absorbed by the scales. Drain flew up far into the sky, but Apex was there to fight. He spewed fire from his mouth trying to burn the bat. But his scales proved resistant to his breath like the others. Apex clawed at Drain, but again it did nothing. Apex continued to fly in parallel with Drain, he wasn’t sure what to do. So he used his head, Apex flew away from Drain and rammed the demonic bat/wyvern. Dazing Drain enough to get away and have him drop the King Titan high above the ground. The King Titan fell bellowing all the way down to the world beneath. As he hit the ground, a magenta blast erupted with the dust. Leaving Drain to deal with Apex.
Drain looked around the fog, trying to spot the dragon who flew through the darkness. A fireball flew through the air and hit him on the back, though not hurting him. He turned around only to get jumped by the huge dragon. They began to tumble down through the sky to the ground. Apex grappled to Drain’s wings with his front talons, holding Drain in front bracing for the impact with the ground. Apex held his wings stretched out so that he wasn’t able to struggle against Apex’s fanged strikes to his throat or fly away from Apex. As they fell, Drain could feel his hate, his anger. It empowered him all the more, he just needed some more from him. He smiled gleefully at Apex as he felt himself getting stronger.
“I must say Apex, I was very surprised to see you were still alive after what I did.” Drain said smiling. Apex snarled in anger as Drain tormented him.
“YOU’LL BE EVEN MORE SURPRISED TO SEE ME DEFEAT YOU!!” Apex roared, but all Drain did was smile before he started resisting Apex’s pin as he started to fold his wings. Apex was in shock trying to stop this from happening. Drain merely smiled.
“I don’t think so.” Drain said, he folded his wings in, and both he and Apex began to spin in the air until Drain was on top of Apex. Drain held his arms stretched apart as far as they could go. Drain grinned demonically at Apex as he knew this conflict would be over soon.
“You see Apex, even if you didn’t decide to attack me. I still wouldn’t have let you survive, let alone bow before me. You were supposed to be dead, so you have no use to me. I am going to enjoy finishing you off finally.” Drain said as he began to laugh, Apex roared in his face.
“ENJOY THIS THEN!!!” Apex said as he engulfed Drain’s laughing face in flames, only for the flames to fade and Drain still laughing if not even more.
“That’s so cute! Now watch what I can do.” Drain said before spewing purple fire out of his mouth, straight into Apex’s. Apex started to roar before turning into screaming. He began to flail and scream as Drain grabbed him by the tail and flew up into the sky he smiled gleefully as he saw Apex deal with hallucinations, crying out to his father, and why he was so angry with him. He reached a point in the sky that he felt would be sufficient, but just to be sure.
“Goodbye, Apex. Thank you for your help to create me.” Drain said smiling as he threw Apex out in front of him as far as he could, and engulfed him in black mist. Drain could hear his screams die down as he heard Apex freeze and fall into the distant darkness. And with an evil smile, he flew back down to the ground of this world to deal with the titan and the others.
Drain landed near the impact crater of the King Titan lay in the middle. Drain looked at him with disgrace as tried to get up. Bruised all over and purple blood bleeding from his snout. Rubble and dirt covered his body from head to toe. Drain smiled upon the grounded titan. Who looked up at him in disgust.
“I should’ve enslaved you all from the start.” He growled, but Drain ignored this petty act of aggression as he stared down the King Titan. His red eyes glowed with power from Apex’s hate and anger.
“Bow or pay the consequences.” He said, King Titan looked up at Drain in anger, he punched the ground in anger and bellowed in fury before being engulfed in Drain’s flames. Immediately his roars of fury and rage became those of fear and terror. Drain flapped his wings, enveloping the King Titan in black mist and freezing him as though he were stone. Drain looked at the others, Sig was nowhere in sight. She had disappeared, and for good reason as she would have been next.
“Bow, or die. Your choice.” He said, still though everyone was hesitant about bowing. Jerry stood there, glaring at Drain.
“Why should we?” He shouted, his glare slowly becoming a sadistic grin on his face. “Your power is illegitimate! Just a couple of hours ago, you were barely strong enough to take on a squirrel!” Jerry said stepping forward, blood started unfurling around his body.
“Your new appearance is insignificant, you’re still the weak little bat you were before!” Jerry snarled, Drain glared back at Jerry when he said this. Captain Shortstacks hobbled forward, unsheathing his sword with his one good hand.
“Fool! There are thirteen of us and only one of you! The power of many can beat the power of one!” Shortstacks declared as he attempted to charge forward with his sword out in front of him.
“Do not waver!!” Ember said to Shortstacks and Jerry as he stepped forward slowly, his bones weak and fragile.
“Drain, dear boy, I believed we were equals” Ember reminded him, “And don’t forget I saved you from imminent death when your wing was torn. You owe me for that. Now stop all of this nonsense and join us. We can just forget that this had ever happened.” He continued, Drain smiled with a sinister grin on his face. His demonic appearance made it quite disturbing to look at.
“I was destined for this, Ember!” He howled, “I was destined to be Count, and now I am destined to control this world! I shall have NO EQUALS; only workers in MY hive! Now bow… OR DIE!” Drain bellowed, charging up a breath as he did before Micheal and Lil’ Jack fell down to the floor on their hand and knees.
“PLEASE!! W-we’ll do anything, anything!!! Just p-please just don’t kill us!!” Little Jack pleaded in almost a childlike voice. Micheal nodded fervently with this, pushing his own want and his egotism to the side for once. Rockwell silently knelt down as well. Dr. Bubba, Milo, and Pat looked at each other before they all knelt in front of Drain. The Fjordur Dragon stood there for a moment before bowing to Drain. Drain knew they didn’t bow out of allegiance, but rather out of their own desires. It didn’t matter to him as long as they were doing so. Caldren didn’t exactly understand what was going on. But simply saw what the others did and followed. Drain grinned in victory as he stared at them that bowed before putting his attention on the three remaining.
“Now what about you three? I am going to ask you this for the last time. Bow… or die.” He exclaimed, in all fairness, that he could forgive them of their insolence to him. Shortstacks looked at the others in disbelief for bowing to Drain.
“Cowards!!” He shouted “The lot of you are a bunch of-” Jerry immediately interrupted this, shooting a steady and powerful stream of blood at Drain’s head; while Ember squawked in shock and began to run. Drain jerked his head in a surprised motion to this as it hit his head. Drain turned his head back towards the three. The stream of blood still hitting his head. Jerry saw this and began to thrust more blood at Drain’s head. But it didn’t phase him. His eyes filled with anger and hate. He took a deep breath and released a sudden and explosive burst of purple flames that overpowered Jerry’s stream. Engulfing Jerry and Shortstacks immediately, and almost just as fast. Catching Ember in the same flames. The three screamed out in fear and pain as the flames engulfed them as it did with the King Titan. Drain stared at them for a moment and smiled.
“Good… Now, time to reward those who obeyed my commands. It is time to make you my legion.” He said as he turned to the ten and flapped his wings, enveloping them all in the black mist, including those in the flames. They all gasped for a moment as it did. Drain waited for several moments hearing nothing, absolutely nothing. Did it not work? As the fog faded, he could see Shortstacks, Jerry, and Ember’s frozen, fear-filled bodies. They followed suit with the King Titan in fear and agony. He started to worry that the mist had frozen them all, but as it faded more, he saw they were now covered in black armor. The Fjordur Dragon, Bubba, Rockwell, Pat, Milo, Little Jack, Micheal, and Caldren were all in this black, unholy armor. His Dark Nights. They were confused and amazed by this armor. Dr. Bubba examined the armor work.
“Stunning, absolutely stunning!!” He exclaimed.
“It’s not stunning, it’s extraordinary!! It feels invigorating to wear such armor!!” Rockwell added as he examined his black prosthetic arm that appeared with the armor. The clashing metal as he closed and opened his hand fluidly. The armor seemed unusual, even more so than Edmundium was.
‘This will do well. The poor fool will never see it coming… yes, however, this material should be tested to its full potential before I try anything irrational.’ He thought to himself. He watched as Milo and Pat shapeshifted into several different forms only for the armor to shape with them into these new forms. Milo smiled with glee at this.
“I think I am going to like this!” Milo said,
“So do I!” Pat replied, Drain smiled vigorously as he stood in triumph with his newly founded knights in front of him.
“Rise my Dark Nights!! Now is our time to conquer and destroy the heroes once and finally for all!” Drain roared, and the Nights grinned with pleasure at the idea to take them out once and for all.
Part Twos release in the next page!!