ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 27
“I’ve got the wolves!” The girl set her wyvern on the ground toward Prince, Pax, and Ridley. She had short brown hair. “You aren’t.. wolves..?”
Ridley turned to the girl and got up to his knees with a groan. “Of course we aren’t wolves! You scared away our Griffin mounts! Right guys?”
Pax quickly answered, “Yeah.. griffins………?”
“There are griffins here?” The girl cried. “Huh. But how are other humans here?”
Ridley scoffed as he, Prince, and Pax got to their feet. “Do we really need to show you our Lightning wyverns?”
Prince finally noticed how the other two were in jeans and he was in.. dress pants.
Prince fixed his black jacket’s collar, and then said, “James, shouldn’t we be going?” His voice was soft and deep.
Ridley turned around toward Prince and said, “Yes, we should..” and then he mouthed, “James? Really?”
Prince mouthed back, “Our names aren’t very human like..”
The girl huffed. “You need to be introduced to my captain. He told us he must meet any humans on this Island. And you need to show us where you got your griffins.”
Ridley gulped.
“Come on!” She snapped and pulled Ridley toward the purple wyvern. The girl grabbed a cryopod and let out a tapejara.
Ridley mounted it in the front.
“What are you doing? You control it from the middle!” The girl scoffed. “Don’t you have a brain?”
Ridley shifted to the middle seat and nodded for the other two to mount.
“Suit jacket’s being held by my wyvern. The tapejara has bad weight. It can’t hold all of you.”
Prince nervously got off the tapejara as the wyvern began flying and picked him up. The tapejara slowly rose.
“Why is it so slow?” Ridley huffed.
“So you can’t fly away,” the girl answered.
Astra and Reign had laid on the ground for a bit, still tired. They finally got up.
“We may have to do this the hard way,” Reign huffed angrily. “I don’ wanna, but we may have to. Ye ok with it?”
Astra replied. “I don’t know what that means..”
Reign flapped her wings in annoyance. “Right. Well, the hard way means ye gotta climb a big ol’ mountain and fly from there.”
“What about the boys?”
Reign huffed. “Boys are boys. Don’ worry. When we arrive, I can send troops to grab ‘em.”
Reign started walking and Astra followed quietly. Occasionally, Astra made an ice slide down a hill the had to go past and they both sped down it.
But finally, they were there.
Astra gulped. This mountain.. out in the grassy area. The one. This was it. The mountain she was at when she had a hyenaedon pack.
Memories flooded into her mind. Horrid memories. Things she didn’t want to remember. But she still did.
A grey hyenaedon bit a tan female’s leg. The female yelped in pain.
“Stop it!” Astra yelped.
“Shut up, little hyenaedon.” The grey male slammed her into a tree.
He tossed her to the tan female and scoffed. “Little brats. Go run off you stupid creatures.”
It had been the last time she had seen her mom. Or, at least, what she thought had been her mom.
Reign noticed that Astra had stopped walking. “Ye comin’?” She asked.
Astra nodded and kept following.
A female wolf slowly walked to a cave. She lifted her paw to the stone wall engraved with pictures closing it.
As she set her paw in the middle of a circle, the wall shuddered. It slowly melted away and the wolf entered the cave.
She walked toward a group of large creatures in chains. “Hello,” she said.
“Go away, Adira.” One of them snapped.
“If I have killed the rest of your kind through a wolf, what stops me from killing you now?” She asked with a laugh.
With the stomp of her paw, the chains around his neck tightened. Then she let it stop as he choked in pain.
Her eyes glowed. The chains fell from their necks and legs. “You will work for me.. you will destroy the wolves.. or else you will be choosing death.”
The creatures’ eyes’ glowed.
“Yes, Adira.” One of them stepped out from the shadows. And then they all did.
Adira laughed to herself with a smirk and led them out of the cave. “Welcome back into the world, Yutyrannus.”