ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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The way to tame:
1. Grab a flying creature such as a Tapejara or a Quetzal. Quetzal works best as it has overall better stats than Tapejara, but low levels can tolerate Tapejaras. However, these creatures must have large saddles and be able to be ridden while shooting torpor devices.
2. For the torpor devices, grab a bow with a tranquilizer arrow. As these creatures have a large amount of health, you could use other stronger guns or devices, but the lower the coel's health gets the slower the torpor will induce. Try using 25 tranq darts for a lvl 2.
3. Also, make sure that there are less than 5 coels in the area. If there are 5 or more, they will spin around in the water and produce a tsunami that flies up in the air and decreases stamina of the target greatly.
4. When the creature is knocked out, grab small eggs. Dodo, Hesperornis, Pelagornis, Dilo, and Lystros are the ones that work. Make sure that you have at least 12 eggs in total, as these creatures will try their hardest to remain wild.
5. Feed the eggs to the creature. This fish has normal torpor depletion but if it eats too slowly feed it narcotic, as it resists narcoberry for whatever reason.
6. After the tame is complete, you may use the fish as a mobile mortar and pestle. However, the weight the fish can tolerate is low, so make sure you upgrade. Happy taming!