ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Rate Tips
Ok so what ur gonna need is 1. 200 Tranqs
2. 4 stone gates 3. And a pt I recommended you're lvl 40 so you atleast have a pteranodon
And two giant bear traps you can only make one but I make two for sure
Next make the gates in like a square oh only use 3 gates next you put the bear traps you lead it in its stuck so use the last gate for the way he/she got in
So she can't escape also there might be a baryonyx yeah so barys can be bola'd so no prob Now start tranqing the spino boom he's knocked out
Then I recommend biotoxin instead of narcotics get prime FISH meat while you're getting The biotoxin
And he/she's yours but when I said atleast lvl 40 you cry cuz you can't make saddle