ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

The Arks: Over Heaven
Chapter 29: Crimson Crusader
Original Post Date: Feb 21, 2024
Note: Story starts in Wyvern, Aerial ABC backwards filter and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Desert Titan, next chapter in Crystal Wyvern.
Clack. Clack. Clack.
An athletic, toned girl who was wearing a suit of red flak armor was walking down the stone hallways of a currently under construction castle. Boys and girls alike were hanging up red banners along massive stone pillars, each one with a design on it. A fire emblem that had two swords behind it, and one trident in the middle. It had colors of orange, red, and yellow in waves.
Eventually, the girl reached a large gate that was being guarded by a boy with a suit of grass-armor on. He carried a sword on his belt, and upon reaching him he bowed.
“Good evening, your highness,” the man bowed respectfully.
The man reached around and pulled a lever that was behind him, and the gate began to open, revealing a red carpet that led to a throne made of metal and wool. The girl smirked at the sight and sashayed up to the throne.
Upon reaching it, she let out a chuckle and sat on it, putting her hands on the armrests and putting one leg over the other like a queen.
Queen June was unlike anyone else on the ARK. When she had landed on the miserable dinosaur-filled beaches, instead of seeing the situation as a curse she saw it as a great opportunity. An opportunity to rule and be all-powerful as she desired. Here, on this island, everyone had an equal chance to reign supreme.
Back home, June never had that chance. Always being held back by the flaws of the system, always being held back by authority and always being held back by those who didn’t believe in her.
“But now things are different,” June said with a smile. She clenched her fist as she saw a scout wearing red cloth armor approach June.
“And if anyone dare oppose me, I’ll show them why I am called the Crimson Crusader.”
“Crimson Crusader?” the scout shouted, getting onto one knee.
“What is the report on the scouts?” June spat immediately, getting straight to business, “I had sent out two groups and I want progress on where the man is!”
“Ma’am, one of the groups never returned in time,” the scout nervously answered, “Alan, the newbie.”
“The giant?”
“Yeah, the giant.”
June clenched her fist and pounded it on her throne, making the scout jolt in shock.
“That damn brat. What a weakling!” June screamed in rage, “Can he not get anything done on his own?”
“Ma’am, it was a death wish asking him to go so far out where all the predators are!”
“You think I asked for your advice? NO! So shut up and tell me how the other group went!” June bellowed like the beast she was. The scout, wary of June’s undying frustration, knew not to provoke her anymore. Her power was too strong. The scout could be killed at any moment at the slightest sign of disloyalty. He needed to watch his words carefully.
“The- The other group did great,” the scout answered as honestly as he could, “We did manage to find some people. A group of four people were caught traveling throughout the plains. All men.”
“And did you catch them?”
The scout gulped.
“WHAT?! You KNOW I need information on where the man is!”
“Please, please don’t be angry!” the scout pleaded, “We managed to apprehend one of them. He was a strong one you see, he had a very strong power. He almost managed to kill us, but we were too strong for him. The others ended up getting away because of him.”
“Well bring him in. I want to… question him.”
The scout nodded, then stepped to the side. Four scouts wearing red cloth armor walked along the carpet, dragging along a man with gelled up hair and a black leather jacket with blue jeans. The four scouts halted as soon as they reached June’s feet, and they jolted the man’s body up so he could face the queen.
The man had blood trickling down his head, and he had a black eye along with many cuts and bruises lining his face. His lip was swollen and he looked half-asleep. June crossed her arms and stared down at the man as if he were some sort of troublesome child.
The man didn’t respond, letting out a groan of pain, dropping his head to the ground. One of the scouts pulled his hair up so he could look in the queen’s face.
“Listen to the queen, scum!” the scout barked in his ear.
“Fine. It’s Ian,” he answered with a groan.
“Okay then, Ian,” June replied while twirling her orange-brown hair in her fingers, “Tell me this. Do you know anyone named… Ben, perchance?”
Ian’s face lit up at the name, but then the light faded away as he realized June was smiling.
“Seems like you do,” June smirked. She got up from her throne and roughly grabbed Ian by the hair, and he let out a gasp of pain as his arms flailed around like a fish.
“I-I don’t!” Ian lied, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
June’s smirk faded away, and with a scream of rage she pummeled her fist into Ian’s jaw. Ian let out a cry of pain as his head hung limp, and then June snapped her fingers. A trickle of fire began to dance along her fingertips, and then it condensed into a fireball. Ian looked up in horror as June brought the fireball closer and closer to his face.
“Listen here. Tell me what I want to hear, and I won’t cook you alive and feed you to the dinosaurs,” June grinned with shrunken pupils, “So are you going to tell me where Ben is or am I going to have to fry you?”
“Okay, okay!” Ian shouted as he closed his eyes, trembling, “I don’t know where he is… I was trying to look for him, but I never did, until I ran into your men. But, but one thing I know for sure is he’s somewhere out there, okay? I am his friend, I would know best, even if we haven’t talked in months.”
June moved her tongue to feel her teeth, then kicked Ian in the stomach. He let out a gasp of pain as he struggled to breathe. June turned to the first scout and waved him away.
“Get this buffoon out of here before I change my mind.”
“Yes ma’am.”
The scouts dragged Ian away, leaving June to ponder on her throne.
“Yes, yes this is perfect,” June thought with a devilish smile, “My Ben is somewhere out there. He won’t be able to resist me once he sees how… amazing I am.”
June looked up at the ceiling and let out a sigh.
“Oh how great you are, you even defeated Aurora, the perfect girl, in a tennis match,” June daydreamt, “You may not have seen my signs, but I know you like me. You will be mine… Starting with your friends. I’m going to find you.”
June could feel his arms wrapped around her waist, she could imagine a future with him! It was going to be perfect… It’s not like Ben liked anyone, right? No… No, Ben would never like anyone else. He was hers and hers only.
And if any meddling lady crossed June’s path to be with Ben, they would suffer greatly.