ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Rate Tips
Pretty good starter buiding to use for bases. a majority of starter animals cant break them witch is good for hiding in your base if you have a visitor. Wood. Structures also look good in Asa. Although beware that bigger dinos such as carnos, allos, rexes. Etc . Can break wooden structures so be carefull if you live next to those and plan to make a base outta stone (this tip includes other wooden structures)
Story time part : once I was finishing a starter base made outta wood than I was gathering stone to make refining forge when I agrod a pack of raptors and accidently hit a trike. So I ran to my Lil base and luckily trikes can't damage wood but the raptors started attacking the trike but I bolad the raptors and shot the trike with my bow. Trike died and I knocked out the raptors with 2 clubs. I tamed the raptors up and Lvled them up a lot. After that sarco came and attacked me but once again I ran to my Lil wood house and shot tranqs at him. He fell asleep so I killed a Saber tooth salmon and used a sickle to get prime fish meat. Tamed the sarco up and now I have | Big croc ( sarco ) voltage (1st raptor) violet ( Female 2nd raptor ) and Scar Scar ( 2nd female 3rd raptor )