ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Protectors of Pandora
Chapter 21 ~the oasis~ (Yes I’m skipping the Ron/Ping plot this time, that plot is far shorter than the others and this will make things run smoother)
“Bones!? Bones?” Ceasar yelled. “Is everyone alright?!” The chief said looking at his troop, “we’re alright, so is the bat.” “What about Bones?” The chief said. “Bones!?” Ceasar yelled again, running towards him, when he got close he could see smoke coming off of bone’s body and he heard a sizzling sound. “Bones?” He said. “I’m.. im alright.. ish…” Bones said, Ceasar and the others all exhaled a sigh of relief, Bones struggled to stand, but he did, he turned towards Caesar, and Ceasar saw what had happened; a streak of 3rd degree burns ran from bone’s eye down to his tail, it looked painful but Bones seemed unfazed. “You don’t look alright.. you need help.” Caesar said. “I-I’m fine..” Bones said. “He’s in shock.” The chief said. “We need to find a medic I’ll go on ahead, Jaxz cmon.” Caesar said, Jaxz nodded and followed him down the tunnel. “Which way should we go? We have to hurry, those lava things could come at any moment we need to get Bones help and warn the oasis.” Caesar said, Jaxz let out a shriek and twitched his ear towards the sound “it’s.. left,” Jaxz said, he looked at Caesar “it’s ok, Bones will be alright and we’ll warn the oasis.” “I’m not worried about the oasis or Bones, well of course I am but.. I’m worried about the others they’re scattered around who knows where and according to Salizar they’re about to die.. I just feel like I’ve failed them somehow.” Caesar said. “The others can handle themselves we need to worry about the attack and try to find them not worry about what some psycho told you, maybe he made it all up maybe they aren’t even in danger.” Jaxz said reassuringly (even though he was worried as well) “I guess your right, look up ahead. I think we’re there.” Caesar said pointing forward there was light in the tunnel up ahead and the sounds of creatures in the distance, they walked forward until they came into a glow worm lit room stuffed with creatures of all shapes and sizes it was very lush and there was a pool in the center of the room filled with glistening water. “Ahh newcomers, welcome to th- wait what are you two??” A jerboa said puzzled, “I’m a mesopithicus and he’s a badger.” Caesar said. “What?!” Jaxz said. “Oh, I’ve never seen a mesopithiwatsis or a badger before, anyway welcome to the oasis a place of peace and tranquillity where all creatures big and small can wait out the.. temporary apocalypse.” She said. “I’m not a-” Jaxz was cut off by Caesar, who said “nice well our friend didn’t make it in here in time he’s at the entrance burned up really bad we need a medic fast.” “Oh of course! Why didn’t you say something sooner, all the supplies we need to cure burns grow right here I’ll go gather a few things and meet you there.” She said, “uh you won’t be able to carry all the supplies you need.. he’s uhh gigantic.” Caesar said. “Ok I’ll get a morelotops to help.” She said quickly, and bounced away. “Why did you tell her I’m a badger?! What’s a badger!” Jaxz said, Caesar shrugged and walked away chuckling, he walked up towards all the relaxing creatures and said “hmm how to put this gently.. uh, there are iguanas made of lava coming to kill you all, I’d get ready for a fight.” “Why would we listen to you?” Said a hyenadon. “Because you don’t want to die.” Caesar said. “Eh good enough for me, EVERYONE PREPARE FOR BATTLE, THE MAGMASAURS ARE COMING TO KILL US ALL, GET THE WAR BUCKETS!” The hyenadon said. “War buckets.. how often do these things attack” Caesar said. The hyenadon looked at him, “enough that we invented war buckets..