ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Rate Tips
Use 4 metal dinosaur gates Put them in The shape of a Square and leave one missing and put 5 to 7 large bear traps lure the giga into it Using any flyer and fly higher than its head to avoid being bit and killed and it will be stuck for 25 to 30 seconds land Behind it Put the final Metal dinosaur Gate fly away so that it can not hit you or your flyer it will be trapped permanently so keep trancing it trying to hit the head to knock it out faster And put raw meat or raw prime meat or raw Mutton do not Cook the meat it will give less levels and don’t let anything attack it even you or your tames it will also give less levels when its food goes down it will eat keep force feeding it narcotics or Biotoxin so it won’t wake up and not tame When tamed Break one of the metal dinosaur gates and bring back to your house