ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Day 2: Charcharadontasauraus
The Charcharadontasauraus is one of the best Dino’s in the entire game with stats rivaling even the giga and has even more abilities and is an exceptional mount that can easily traverse the whole map and, with its amazing movement speed, very quickly. However, there is one major drawback: an extremely difficult tame and can eat right through any structure below metal. It has a wide range of different attacks including a basic front facing bite and I high power 360 tail spin that sends most creatures flying. It has one of the best abilities in the game, which is a stackable kill buff, and it stacks up to a hundred times, and with a full 100 buffs it can solo a wild giga.
Base stats:
Its health is absolutely incredible, ranking in at #3 next to only the titanasaur and the giga. Its melee is also astonishing with only 4 other creatures dealing more damage at 211 per hit on its base attack at level 1. The only major drawback to these amazing stats is that they get lowered an insane amount upon taming.
The Carcharadontasaurus has an odd and unique way of taming that includes mounting it and killing other wild dinos, but before you can go off and kill other stuff, you need to trap it and feed it a dead dino. To trap it all you need is a flier, 4 metal dino gateways and a large bear trap. First, you will need to place down three of the four metal gateways in a U shape with one at the back and two on either side facing the same direction. You will then need to put the bear trap at the back of the trap, at the bottom of the U shape. Then, you will need to get on your flier and get the Charcha’s aggro and fly over the trap with it chasing you and lead it into the bear trap. You will then need to quickly run around to the back of the Charcha and place down the last gateway behind it, trapping it in the square of gates. The next thing you will need to do is, if possible, cryo a baby rex and bring it to your Charcha. You will need to throw out the baby Rex and kill it, then drag it to the Charcha and feed it to it. This will completely fill up its trust meter, allowing you to then destroy one of the gateways and mount the Charcha. If possible, try to get to a highly populated area with lots of dinos everywhere and kill everything you see. The bigger a dino is the more taming progress it will supply, but tons of small dinos can also be very effective. Once tamed, I would suggest putting four out of every five points into melee and the other one wherever you see best fit depending on you Charcha’s base stats, but that is just my recommendation, and if you want to do something else, feel free to.