ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
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Day 1: Amargasauraus
Amargasauraus is the most powerful sauropod in the game(aside from the titanasaur) and has one of the highest movement speeds in the game, especially for its size. It has the ability to shoot three different medium ranges spikes that all have their own aura that they make around them. The first is the ice spikes, which, as the name implies, make an aura of ice around them that slows everything inside of it and anything that is in there for long enough becomes temporarily frozen for 20 seconds or until hit. The second type is armor piercing which negates all armor effects of anything inside of its aura range, however it doesn’t reduce Dino’s natural defenses or any kind of shield that anything might have. The third type is focused completely on damage and DOT(Damage over time) and it is fire. Its aura does damage to anything inside of it and after a short amount of time catches them on fire and does DOT for a short time.
The Amargasauraus’s base health is 1250 which is really putting it at the 27th place for highest base health out of 149 dinos. It has 425 base stamina, putting it at 28th place. It’s only other notable star is its torpor at 2250 putting it at 11th place. All of its other important stats are relatively average with 475 weight and, of course, 100% melee.
This creature is an absolute pain in the ass to tame and it is almost impossible to do on your own so it is strongly advised that you do this in multiplayer. The only sound method to do this in single player is to kite it to the plains just outside of the snow area where they are found. Some supplies you will definitely need will be either flak or fur armor, as good as you can get it, a fabricated shotgun, a longneck rifle with a scope, a spyglass(not required but very useful), fria curry, medical brews, veggie cakes, calen soup(recipes can be found on Dododex), and any taming food you can get, preferably exceptional kibble but any kind of plant will work, however the second best thing is rockarrot which in some maps can only be found by getting the seeds from gathering bushes and then farming them in crop plots. What you need to do is eat your fria curry and calien soup while you are far away from the Amargasauraus and then approach it carefully and press the synch temperature button and it will start following you around. Your first objective needs to be to get it to the grass plains outside of the snow area. Once you are there, run around until you find carnivores that will be auto aggrod by the Amargasauraus and it will run towards them and start attacking. The Amargasauraus’s aggro range is massive so make sure you keep your eyes on it and be careful. Once it spots something you will need to do as much damage to the thing it’s fighting as possible without dying or damaging the Amargasauraus. The most common things to find in the grasslands will be raptors, sabertooths, megalania, and the occasional Rex. The more things you kill, the higher the taming bar goes, but along with that the more damage the Amargasauraus will take. This is what the veggie cakes are for. You will need to put them in the last slot of your hotbar and go up to the dino and then feed them to it. Veggie cakes are very useful in many situations as they will heal any herbivores that you feed them to. Every once in a while the Amargasauraus will get hungry, and, as with all passive tames, you will need to feed it. Taming effectiveness will not drop at all if it takes damage, nor if you damage it. The only way for it to lose taming effectiveness is if you don’t kill anything for an extended period of time(roughly 10 minutes). The medical brews are for you to heal if you take damage, and the weapons are to help kill the stuff. Make sure that you don’t bring any tames with you as the Amargasauraus will automatically attack your tame, even if you are already taming the Amargasauraus. The best way is to just bring a flier and a cryopod and just cryopod your flier once you land and just start taming the Amargasauraus from there.