ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Rate Tips
Prepare to be moving, a lot! The Overseer summons little drones that consistently fire at the player, and not your mount. Combined with the persistent cold, your health will drain, fast. Bring MasterCraft to Ascendant fur armour, maybe even Tek if you have it.
As for battling, it's a long process. the Overseer has phases where it is undamagable, and will periodically fire beams out that stun you + your mount. you'll know when it's in this state when it has a shield and is making odd pulsating noises. (trust me- you'll know when you hear it.)
When not in it's immortal stage, the boss will switch between the other boss' forms you've already killed (Dragon, Broodmother, Megapithicus.) and you will have to kill those forms. It has an idle (Idk if that's the correct word) where you can damage the overseer itself. The phases will then repeat until it is killed.
For the tames I personally recommend, I'd say Therizinosaurs, Rexes (if you can manage getting them through the cave, they have a turning radius like a badly tuned truck,) a good Yutyrannus, Ive even seen some people being Spinos, or a Daeodon or two if you're willing to micromanage your food supply. You can bring up to fifty tames into the cave, (if I'm not mistaken.)
Good luck, Survivor!