ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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No trap necessary! I’ve tamed 6 now and no trap is easier than dealing with the trap. Mate high level rexes, hatch eggs, and cryopod the babies. Find Carchar, kill ALL dinos in the immediate area. At a safe distance but in sight of carchar get high level baby rex(s) out of cryopod, kill them, drag to carchar and let them sniff and eat. Number of baby rex needed is dependent upon carchar level and your server taming rates. I recommend only killing one rex at a time otherwise carchar may end up going over to your pile and eating them and that will do you no good, trust me. If on extinction I recommend luring the carchar back into the snow biome if it has ended up out in the wasteland. The random spawning of corrupted can really add another level of difficulty to this tame.
In theory, you could use a mind wipe tonic, pump most your stats into weight and kill some adult rexes at the sight to use for feeding. I haven’t tried that though so experiment at your own risk.
On Extinction they spawn regularly on the outer edge of the snow biome from the southeast to southwest corner of the biome. I’ve found them on both sides, just inside or just outside of the biome.
They take forever to raise and imprint but they are well worth it if you can get some high level breeders. They are a giga on steroids with a better turning radius, a stamina boost, and a blood rage buff that drastically increases melee and heals them faster than they can take damage. I raised 6 that started around level 150 and got them mostly imprinted. Just riding one I am unstoppable, I can handle a purple supply drop up to wave 5 and not even be close to losing the carchar or dying myself. Unfortunately I lose the drop because there are more Dino’s spawning than one person and mount can handle.
Like all big Dino’s they don’t handle fall damage well so be careful there.