ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

My first and only raptor tame was a doozy…it all started one day when I was wondering…I’m lvl 35 and I still haven’t tamed a raptor…I need to tame one…so I went to the swamp about 10-12 miles away and had to avoid titanoboas spinos and sarchos to get there anyway I finally made it…there I saw a bright red raptor I knew that was the one I wanted it was hard but I finally trapped and tranqualized it…I named him red so we were on our way back when I heard slithers…I looked behind me and saw like 10000000000000000000 million titanboas (sorry for the misspells and over exaggeration I’m only 10)I ran for my life and red followed but the titanoboas caught up with us…but there was no deaths I killed most of them but red had been knocked unconscious and there were some sarco coming but I fended them off long enough…he woke up and the Sarcos lost interest in us after a while so we made it back..he’s now very old but still going…along with my dilo team and my….big turtle? I forgot the name named Shelly and my dodos Albert and daisy and my pachysaurus named pachy and my lytrosaurus Mikey and that other big lizard thing petunia…