ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

When I played Valguero for the first time, I was vulnerable to almost everything. However, when I tamed my parasaur, Radde, I immediately began looking for a suitable home. After 30 minutes of searching and getting lost in the redwoods, I saw an ancient, gigantic building in which I decided to live in. While out hunting, I saw my first Daeodon, so I did what any normal person would do and bola'd it. I proceeded to knock it out using my handy club. After putting raw meat that Radde and I had collected, he woke up and he was mine. I was so excited about it that I knew that I needed to make a saddle for him immediately. As I was taking him back home, I decided to name him Conch. At first, I thought that he would just be a cute little pig to have around and occasionally use for collecting food and supplies, but I was so wrong. After I made Conch's saddle and took him out for the first time, I fell in love. From then on, I almost always used him, taking him on long journeys. We had explored the world together, survived so many attacks, survived the aberration cave, and even defeated a giga with him. He always protected me. But one day, I happily logged on to Ark to see Conch but I was met with something horrible: the save had been wiped. I cried for the rest of the day and I still do to this day.