Apex, WHAT?

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Apex, WHAT?! I can’t believe they are doing this this is great!! The cerato deserves it for sure, I think others that should be base game are dienotherium (elephant) and brachiosaurus, idk about some of the others, the acro would be awesome but would it make gigas and charcars obsolete? And conca hasn’t even got an ascended mod yet, idk if garuga ever will because we basically got it with the fasola. The dinosuchus (alligator) would be kinda cool but also would make swamps even more annoying.. I know they won’t add garugas newest thing (the weird sea creature) because it’s a premium mod. The archolong (sea turtle, yes I know I’m butchering these names..) would be cool as well, but they should put it on the center. And then as for the two unreleased ones the velociraptor and duck Dino I can’t remember the name of, I’m really excited for those but Garuga hasn’t even finished them so I doubt wildcard would add them, yet.

This is great, people complain about Wildcards delays and stuff but they really aren’t that slow and when they do add things they are always incredible.


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