Wings of wyverns: The Wyvernet phrophecy (part 1)

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Wings of wyverns: The Wyvernet phrophecy (part 1)

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A wyvern was trying to hide in the storm.

Lightning flickered across the dark clouds. Hvitur clutched his fragile cargo closer. If he could make it over the mountains, heโ€™d be safe. Heโ€™d escaped the sky wyvern palace unseen. And the secret cave was so closeโ€ฆ

But his theft had not been as sneaky as he thought, and eyes as black as obsidian were already tracking him from below. The enormous wyvern on the mountain ledge had pale gold scales that radiated heat like a desert horizon. Her black eyes narrowed, watching the gleam of silver wings far up in the clouds.

She flicked her tail, and behind her two more wyverns rose to the sky and dove into the heart of the storm. A piercing shriek echoed off the mountains as their talons seized the moon-pale ice wyvern. โ€œBind his mouth,โ€ the waiting wyvern ordered as her soldiers dropped Hvitur on the slick, wet ledge in front of her. He was already inhaling, ready to attack.


One of the soldiers grabbed a chain from the pile of smoldering coals. He threw it around the ice wyvernโ€™s snout, clamping his jaws together with a sizzling smell of burning scales. Hvitur let out a muffled scream. โ€œToo late.โ€ The sand wyvernโ€™s forked tongue slithered in and out of her mouth. โ€œYou wonโ€™t be using your freezing-death breath on us, ice wyvern.โ€

โ€œHe was carrying this, Queen Burn.โ€ Said one of the soldiers, handing her an wyvern egg.

Burn squinted at the egg through the downpour. โ€œThis is not an IceWyvern egg,โ€ she hissed. โ€œYou stole this from the sky wyvern palace.โ€

The IceWyvern started back at her. Hissing steam circled his snout where the hot chains met cold silver scales.

โ€œYou thought you got away unnoticed, didnโ€™t you?โ€ Burn said. โ€œMy SkyWyvern ally is not a fool. Queen Scarlet knows everything that happens in her kingdom. Her lookouts reported an IceWyvern thief sneaking away, and I decided finding you might add some violence to my boring visit.โ€

Burn held the large egg up to the light of the fire and turned it slowly. Red and gold shimmered below the pale, smooth surface.

โ€œYes. This is a SkyWyvern egg, about to hatch. Burn mused. โ€œWhy would my sister send you to steal a SkyWyvern Wyvernet? Blaze hates any wyvern younger and prettier than she is.โ€ She thought for a moment as rain drummed on the ledge around them. โ€œUnlessโ€ฆ the brightest night is tomorrowโ€ฆโ€

Her tail flicked up like a scorpionโ€™s, the poisonous barb inches from Hviturโ€™s eyes. โ€œYouโ€™re not in blazeโ€™s army, are you? Youโ€™re one of those insipid underground ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™–๐™˜๐™š๐—บ๐—ผ๐—ป๐—ด๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜€."

โ€œThe talons of peace?โ€ Said one of the soldiers. โ€œYou mean theyโ€™re real?โ€

Burn snorted. โ€œA few works crying over a little blood. Unwrap his chain. He wonโ€™t be able to freeze us until his scales cool down.โ€ The enormous sand wyvern learned closer as her soldier pulled the chain away. โ€œTell me, ice wyvern, do you realy believe in that pompous old NightWyvernโ€™s prophecy?โ€

โ€œHavnt enough wyvern died for your war?โ€ Snarled Hvitur, wincing at the pain in his jaws. โ€œAll of pyrrhia has suffered for the last twelve years. The prophecy saysโ€”โ€œ

โ€œI donโ€™t care. No prophecy decides what happens to me.โ€ Burn interrupted. โ€œIโ€™m not letting a bunch of words or baby wyvern choose when I die or what I bow to. We can have peace when my sisters are dead and ๐™ž am queen of the SandWyverns.โ€ Her venomous tail dipped closer to the silver wyvern.

Rain pattered down on Hviturโ€™s scales. He glared up at her. โ€œThe wyvern eyes are coming, whether you like it or not, and theyโ€™ll choose who the next SandWyvern queen should be.โ€

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