Are you by any chance considering taming a troodon? Well.. I may have some info on how!! But first as with all of these this is what I would consider bringing, just know itโ€™s entirely up to you how to tackle this! This guys wants what is hard to come byโ€ฆ tames! Some creatures a wild troodon will never attack, (wyverns, rock golems, magmasaurs, gigas, Etc) So how will you tame it, first pick for me would be to go straight to the pheromone darts! As this will Force the troodon to do your bidding whether it wants to or not! Now all you will need is a arena! Thereโ€™s no perfect way to build one, feel free to come up with your own design! :D now these guys are nocturnal, however they can still be tamed in the day, yet less effective! Itโ€™s best to tame this guy at night! Wild Troodons will spawn anywhere throughout dense forests, redwoods, Iโ€™ve even seen some in swamps! Best course of action will be to pick them up with a argentavis, or a wyvern, if your in the redwoods watch for thylas! Bring the troodon and drop it into the arena, (probably should have mentioned that babyโ€™s are easier to work with cuz they donโ€™t fight back and give the same Xp) Drop your โ€œtest subjectsโ€ into the arena, and shoot with pheromone darts! !!Warning taming takes a lot of patience!!

Now that you got yourself a troodon! Why? Good question! First things first this creature is a amazing home defender; got some guy in pvp tryna screw with you? Send your troodon over and he will regret ever living, why? Even when tamed the troodon keeps its venom attack, giving the victim a โ€œbuffโ€ on the lower right screen; this is the countdown until you fall uncounsios, stims wonโ€™t work! As itโ€™s a great home defender, it is swift and agile, making it a decent escort if you have enough of them! What do they eat? Rumors that they still have to eat living things is a complete lie, they eat meat like every other carnivore!!

Oh not to mention itโ€™s Hp regeneration, itโ€™s great! Overall a pretty cool trophy of both your prowess and determination, as well as a well rounded out non-rideable tame! I hope you succeed in taming this lil monster! Good luck!!

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