How to get your very own Reaper King!

First, if you haven't already, you're gonna want to get a Rock Drake. You don't NEED the Rock Drake, but it's heavily recommended.

With your tame, you're going to want to head down to the Radiation zone. Make sure to bring Hazard Suits, a Magnifying glass, A shield, and your Light Pet. (Glowtail, Featherlight, Bulbdog, or Shinehorn.)

Next, you'll want to build a trap, which I heavily recommend looking up a tutorial for. The trap isn't needed, but it makes things a hell of a lot easier.

Once your trap is built (if you're making one), You're gonna wanna find a Reaper Queen. These things can be identified by the strange moving dust clouds in the ground. If you approach one, there will be a queen. Lead that momma back to your trap and turn on your Light Pet, then start dealing damage to it. Make sure to check it every once in a while after blood starts to show, because you'll have to get it below 2,000 HP. Once it's below the 2,000 HP mark, you're gonna turn off your light pet and dismount your tame. You'll know it's ready when its glowing a pink color. Walk up to it and hold up your shield, because it might attack you even if its ready to impregnate. When it kneels down and sniffs you, it will grab you with its tail and pregnate you. Once you have the baby reaper, you're HP will be depleted to 1. (It doesn't matter how much HP you have, it will always be 1.)

After getting the baby, you can either use the queen as a baby farm, or you can kill it for the glands (Which you can use for the boss terminal.)

After leaving the red zone, you're going to want to go and kill lots of dinos for EXP. The max level for a reaper baby is +75 levels on top of whatever level the queen was. Usually on official rates, the baby will take 12 hours to get birthed if theres not an event. When you log out, this timer stops.

Once the baby is ready to birth, build a small room and wait for the baby to burst from your chest. Make sure to load yourself full of meat, because when you imprint it, the baby will kill you and take everything off your corpse. Raise the baby, and boom. You have a reaper king.


Once you have your reaper baby, DO NOT go into radiation filled areas without a hazard suit. That's free abortion right there.

Do not birth the baby in open areas! It will run away and you'll never be able to find it again.

Enjoy your reaper!

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