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The number 1 threat of abberation. Capable of causing chaos, and causing a lot of damage. This is the reaper king! “What am I here to talk about then, because I Normally talk about bosses.” Well I like to talk about lore, and the reaper king believe it or not has some important lore worth talking about! And also some additional info! So let’s jump in! (Major spoilers)

So what does this monster look like?

It’s arms are long, with large curved claws. It’s legs are armored with exoskeleton plating, and again really large claws on their feet. And two large spikes jutting out the back of its ankle. And another one jutting vertically at the thigh. A long tail with plating running down it’s back as well as spikes running down it’s back. And that leaves the head and I’m gonna wing it cause it’s hard to describe. 8 spikes five on the back of its head jutting backwards, 2 at the back of its bottom jaw. And the final one on is it’s horn.

So where would you find one? It depends what your looking for. For example, reaper queens would be found deep within the red zone in abberation. Reaper kings spawn on the surface and in the red zone (abberation). Corrupted reaper kings (extinction) spawn in the wasteland. And R-reaper kings, and queens spawn in rockwells innards. (Gen 2)

So what are they good for? After the brutal “taming” experience, via trapping a reaper queen, and bullying it until it’s below 10% health. And useing your shield to defend yourself as you approach her, until she finnaly gives you a baby, that’s equivalent to the devil just after birth. (Unless you consume pheromone glands). Apart from that, they are an amazing tame. They have the ability to leap, knock enemies back with their tail. Throw sticky projectiles that slow enemies down. And the resistance and health of a tank. So all the effort you will have to go through will be worth it!

And probably what you have all been waiting for, the lore! :D

Since arks are basically their own thing, they have what might be called the trust and honor system. The arks make sure the survivors are progressing for the greater good, and the survivors get to screw around and eventually ascend, so it’s a win win. Since corruption was simply not compatible with the certain things the arks wanted there’s also a thing called punishment. And trust me… you don’t want that. So how does this correlate to the creature at hand? Abberation has a punishment system equivalent to “you have lost your living privileges” and reaper kings suit this task perfectly. So why do they spawn in the red zone? Since Rockwell fell into the boss terminal, in the red zone. The arks probably kept unleashing reaper kings in the hopes they might finnaly punish him. So basically this overpowered beast is abberation punishment.

Thx for reading! :D

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