Okay so I was just minding my business, trying to tame a…

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Okay so I was just minding my business, trying to tame a dire wolf when I see a giant pack of some more dire wolfs making their way over. So, I went and killed them. Then, I saw a rex so I went and lured it down a small cliff where it wouldn’t be able to reach the dire wolf I was taming. Anyway, after all of that I went to check on the dire wolf I was taming so I landed my ptera right next to it. But apparently what I didn’t know was that doing all of that stuff outside of render had given the game enough time to spawn in a purlovia RIGHT UNDER THE DIRE WOLF I WAS TAMING. The purlovia jumped at me and I had a heart attack because who expects a purlovia to be right under the creature your taming, where you stood just a couple minutes ago? It started murdering my ptera while I just sat there unable to move, but then it shoved my ptera off the cliff where the rex was and started eating me. Luckily, I became unstunned and it yeeted itself past me so I took that chance and ran to my ptera, who was, you guessed it, getting eaten by the rex. But somehow I managed to get on my ptera (thank goodness Azure your alive, Azure is the name of my ptera) and fly back up the cliff where the purlovia was. It tried to jump at Azure but fell off the cliff, so I logged out for the night (hopefully when I log in it’s safe, do purlovias have like a ability to climb up cliffs using their dig or what? It’s a pretty small cliff, so…)

But anyway, moral of the story? Don’t walk like 5 meters away from the creature your taming. (Also, purlovias suck. That can also be a moral of the story)

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