So I had just tamed my pteradon and put a saddle on and I named it Terry.

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So I had just tamed my pteradon and put a saddle on and I named it Terry. I was on the edge of a river and I saw two allosauruses so I decided to pick up a dilo and throw it to them. After that I fell in love with my terry. I saw a big mountain and u decided to go to the peak so me and my Terry could feel kings of the island. When I was going up the mountain I saw a Griffin attacking some sabertooths so I decided to spectate and then the Griffin lost interest in the sabertooths and came straight towards me. As I just tamed it it had really slow speed so when I was flying back at full speed to my anky and trike the Griffin killed my pteradon just on top of the river so I had to stare at it falling to its death in the river.

RIP for my lovely loyal Terry

😭😭😭RIP terry

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