the righteous (aberration edition)

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the righteous (aberration edition)

chapter 8 season 1

after eric had a encounter with a reaper.. he wanted a team.. a team.. but not yet, he was scuba diving in the fertile lake looking for pearls..

but something happened (of course something happened)

β€œhmm.. silica pearls shouldn't be hard to get.. roght?”

he left his rockdrake there and went in

he saw many fish, and a dead karkinos with something long on it.. like they were alive.


a lamprey quickly swam up to eric and latched its teeth to his arm..

β€œoh god!”

he quickly swam to shore..


the rockdrake used its intelligence to peel the lamprey off

β€œwell.. not going back there..”

his quest for pearls discontinued and he went away..

β€œwell, that wasn't that good...”

he walked with his rockdrake hoping good things will arrive

β€œhmm.. whats that?”

he looked over and saw a dead diplo..

β€œfree food..”

he walked over and began cutting.. when two ravagers surprise eric

β€œoh no!”

the one ravager pounced him, but eric pulled out a sword and stabbed it in the back, and it fell off, the next one went for erics legs, it bit his leg leaving a mark


he punched the ravagers back and shot it 4 times with his basic pistol

β€œdamn ravagers...”

eric began heading back..

what will happen next.. do i know? do you know? does your pet goldfish know.. probably not because those things have a memory of a uh yeah..


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