so funny story, i play single player and am pretty…

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so funny story, i play single player and am pretty experienced in the game (but not the best) so i wanted to get a high level beelzebufo so after a half hour of searching i found a orange female one level 120 and i spent AGES trying to get it knocked out without dying or losing my pteranodon (only level 51) long story short i ragequit. so i booted it up today (at the time of writing) so i tried something unconventional AND accidental; used the ptera as bait! so them two was brawling while im using tranq arrows and i knocked out the frog but it killed my ptera in the process… or so i thought. so turns out the ptera had lived by 10 WHOLE HP, moral of the story believe in yourself (and always save before something you cant undo)

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