Was playing on my world in Ragnarok and I wanted to tame a dire bear.

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Was playing on my world in Ragnarok and I wanted to tame a dire bear. I loaded my white argent, Frosty, up with all the supplies I'd need--tranw darts, my rifle, narcotics, and some meat. We flew from Viking Bay over the Murdersnow, into the Redwoods, and set up a little base. Finally I'm ready to tame my bear, so I go to unload Frosty's inventory, only to see that the narcotics were the first thing in her inventory, and she'd been snacking on them since we left home. I was obviously annoyed (and a little baffled), but honestly I'm just glad she didn't pass out mid-flight in the snow.

Anyway I think she's addicted to drugs now

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