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-Seeing with more than eyes-

Chapter seven.

“Wow this place is awesome!” Hailee said. Winston smiled. “Thanks, you’re in my mind.” Winston said. Hailee turned and gaped at him. “You’re what?” She asked. Winston smile grew bigger. “You heard me, my mind. I’m a telepath. That’s my power.”

“You’re power?” Hailee asked in wonder. Winston nodded. “Yes, you have one too. Occasionally in a tribe of wolves there are special wolves that have…abilities. While some were accepted as they were, some were scorned and thrust out of their pack. Others… were sought for their abilities.” Hailee sat there staring at him with her mouth wide. “So a group of these powerful wolves got together and and formed a tribe for those wolves. I was sent here to find you because I could sense you’re power from our tribe location in the mountains.”


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