ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Roccia di più forte della mia forza e coraggio per la mia vita non riesco ad aspettare un altro giorno e buona domenica anche a te ghetto gospel di voi può prenderne di più male di più di una volta per tutte le altre persone a che fare un po’ di tempo fa e poi si può fare il tempo yyyyytu e poi ti ho detto tutto bene grazie mille per la prima cosa a me piace il mio è la cosa più importante della tua stessa cosa più importante della tua stessa cosa che non mi ha fatto la storia del mondo è pieno a te le altre sono
More Yutyrannus Encountering Tips
Sihceibcyh teriib re9in r5222222222222
As someone who owns chickens, this thing walks like a chicken. You’re welcome.
So there I was, flying along on my Argent, looking for Daeodons on the family server, and I spy a nearly max-level Yuty with his pack o' Carnos. Naturally - since I've never actually tamed a Yuty before - I messaged my dad to come help, since he was online. So I waited, and watched this pack of nasties chase a low-level Daeodon into the river. Didn't think much of it other than, "Stay out the way of that roar." They all kind of stopped in the frozen bits of the river, so I hopped off the bird and sniped out the Carnos from a safe distance. Dad arrived - "Is that Yuty stuck in the ice?" Turns out it was, and it glitched down into the water when we knocked it out. So we're both going, "Well crap, now it's going to drown." And then it didn't. Yuty tamed up, glitched back up through the ice, and I slapped him into a pod before any other weirdness had a chance to happen.
And that's how we tamed Yutzi the Iceman!
Hug the chicken
Trust me just hug it
I fly along on my pt and and I see one.
“Huh, I should fly higher to avoid that”
*flys about 500 metres higher*
*yuti roars*
*pt poops his pants and flies into wyvern trench*
Me: my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
Very very very very very annoying they blind you and kill you but very good tames
Is it just me who thinks scorched earth is a weird place to have a furry giant
Follow the roars, then you'll find your Yuty. They're pretty big and they've got Carno bodyguards. They're like sexier T. rex.
I ran into a level 20, it had a level 76 alpha Carno working for it. Be careful out there.
Loves to play tag with your tames. The roar signals the game to start and the yuty is always it. Don't let it tag you!