ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
More Taming & KO Tips
These things are starting to spawn in non swamp areas. I believe they are supposed to spawn in the swamp areas around the redwoods but it seems they either spawn farther or wander because I’ve been seeing these a lot in areas that should be peaceful. By the way these things are not rare and normally come in packs of 2-3
Paleo ark:evolution makes this behemoth look 1000x better and same with the Rex, such smooth animations new roars, and you can actually level the gigas health, got one of them to 60k health, you can also bring them to boss battles, you can only bring 2 tho or else they will go berserk and murk your whole army (this happened to me, it did 3x the damage of the alpha broodmother) over all great mod and I still think without it it’s better than the carcha, the only way a carcha would be better is if it has like 60+ kill frenzy
How well does this creature collect stone ?
on the island, gigas and carchas ONLY spawn inside the crater of the volcano.(single player only) this can be helpful because if a bad level one spawns you can kite it around in the lava with a bird for it to die, so a different one can spawn.
This section is for taming the boss not the small wolf
Why dont you put how to tame fenrir on the fenrir page not the fenrisulfr