ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Um dos jeitos de domar um trike é vc pegando um arco com flexas de narcotico ou uma besta , depois disso é so subir em um lugar alto e ficar atirando nele ate ele cair isso funciona com calquer um trike mais dependendo do nivel vai demorar mais .
More Triceratops Taming & KO Tips
This is what’s you’ll need to tame it:narco berries narcotics tranq arrows and some wood structures. Step one: make a taming trap. Make it big Enough so the trike can’t get out make a ramp into the trap and a small door for a survivor to fit in. Step two: Hit the trike run into the trap and go through the small door. Step three get on top of the ramp and start shooting it with Tranq arrows. Also DON’T SHOOT AT THE HEAD THEY HAVE EXTRA PROTECTION THERE.step four:once it’s knocked out put your narco berries and narcotics in the trike and wait for it to be tamed. If this helped please hit the arrow pointing towards the sky.
I remember the day when I tamed my first trike on hardcore mode. I tamed a 145 using a few tranq arrows. I rode it around the beaches of the southern islets collecting berries.
It was on the trike that I spent my first weeks on the island. Back in the day, the ark felt so huge, so vast, it was impossible to fully explore.
It was also on my trike that I encountered the first dangers of the island. When i was building my hut, a carno charged out of the woods, coming towards us. I was sure I was dead, and then, my trike came into view. One strike, two strikes, and the carno fell off the cliff. Gravely wounded, the carno lost interest.
In the first month or so on the island, the trike was the most useful tame I had. Countless times it saved me from hungry raptors, rexes, and more. It helped me through the toughest early days, collecting thatch, wood, and berries.
When I was about to enter the tek cave, I said goodbye to most of my tames. I remembered the early days with me and my trike, exploring the wild jungles and unforgiving northern peaks, and how I built all from scratch, to the army of theris and Rexes I had now.
My trike would stay on the island, but as the overseer sent me towards the sands of scorched earth, I was one step closer to bringing the arks home.
We all remember when we tried to bola this guy
First, for low levels, I suggest finding one that is stuck in between two trees which is surprisingly common. I used a crossbow, but you could just use a bow. Craft tranq arrows. Shoot at the belly, and try to do it quickly before it can get free. I suggest 4-6 tranq arrows, maybe more for a higher level. I brought a few narcotics just in case, but I didn’t use any so you don’t necessarily have to. Bring about 20-40 berries, probably more, and you’ll most likely have extra. Put it in the triceratops’s inventory and wait (in my experience it went up by 2%, so make sure you’re ready for a wait). If you leave it’s side the taming will still go up. After it is tamed, name it!
Extra: bolas will NOT work, if you use them they will start to attack.
Uses: they can be extremely strong (I have seen a group of 2-3 trikes kill a sarco, which is a much more high-level tame). Once a saddle is crafted, they are not very fast but they do collect thatch easily from trees as well as short amounts of wood. They get much more berries from a single bush than you can. They do not jump when you’re riding.
Thanks for reading! Sorry it was so long. Please up for the noobs to see! And of course, have a nice day.
In Soviet Russia trike tame u
It's not as hard as I thought to Knock it out I did it with a wooden club (definitely dint die like 4 times)it was only a level 4 but it's cool (boost this so low level beginners can see).
Never slingshot or shoot tranq arrows at the trike’s head. They have extra protection there. aim for the body instead.
I think trikes give you more berries.up if you think to
Your Pocket Triceratops Taming Guide
Some info-
Ah, the trike. Your trusty early-game berry gatherer and a surprisingly strong (and surprisingly slow!) mount. You've probably tamed one before, but if you haven't, you've come to the right place.
I would recommend using tranq arrows or darts, although you shouldn't really need to tame a trike by the time you unlock tranq darts. Get up somewhere high (But be careful as trikes can climb better than you'd think) or get it stuck between two trees. If you want you could use a trap, but it shouldn't be nessesary. As for taming food, my choice would be mejoberries. They're easier to obtain than crops and actually tame it quicker! You'll need 85 mejoberries for a level 150. As for narcotics, you'll need to bring some, no matter what level you're going after.
Saddling and Stats-
Good bulky tames with a high health stat. Stamina is average, and is the one I put the most points into. Saddle is simply made from hide, wood and fibre (I think).
I haven't written a section on breeding one of these guides before, and I don't know too much about trike breeding, so don't take my word as fact. One thing you'll need, berries. Trike eggs can be hatched under 3-4 standing torches and are herbivores (obviously). You should be able to give the hatchling a few stacks of berries and forget about it.
I hope this guide helped someone today. If you liked, please consider sharing it with friends!
I just killed a Rex with this guy he's a absolute war machine