ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
Wheatley but with a gun
They look cool.
Kent Brockman lol
Hi everyone this is how I tamed the spino in singleplayer ( I am level 80 something)
What you need:
your gonna need a Diplodocus and a Diplodocus saddle and pump the Diplodocus into HEALTH so it doesent die. Also get a Longneck rifle and tranq darts. (Optional) Use dododex and select the spinos level and see the amount of tranq darts it will take to knock out. Also bring like 90 narcotics or more OR a lot of bio toxin ( dododex will give details about how much it will need, and put its level in before checking )
Now set your diplo to Neutral and get in passenger seat in front of spino, command it to attack spino or aggro it ( stay in one of the back passenger seats so the diplo keeps aggroing the spino before it hits you ) and start using tranquilizers darts on it. once the spino starts running dismount and chase and shoot it until it falls asleep ( dismount because diplos are slow ) and bring prime meat or kibble or use( raw fish or raw meat if you bring more bio toxin or narcotics since they tame slower and decrease effectiveness ) and wait for tame
If your still reading you can stop now thats all i have. Heres a story. A ichthyornis ruined my spinos effectiveness and I sacraficed it the end.
👇 so new players can see :) -Doge
Life Before
Chapter Five: Intel.
Within an hour, they had arrived at a secluded location in Paris. Well, that’s what Jackson said. They were in the middle of a pig farm. “This place stinks!” Connor exclaimed. “Meine Nase brennt!” WolfGang whimpered. “Ahh… smellz vike home.” Jackson muttered. “Excuse me?” Talia asked. “Zere he iz! Jonathan iz attempting to land. He iz getting clozer.” Jackson said. Connor looked up to see an old style Messerschmitt flying down towards them. The plane jerked and flew faster towards the ground. Connor flinched as the plane hit the ground and imploded a few yards away. A rush of heat ran over him. Jackson grinned. “Johnathan haz successfully landed, with little damage to ze aircraft.” Jackson said. Connor looked at the aircraft. It’s entire front was ripped in half. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN? ITS DEMOLISHED!” Connor yelped. Johnathan hopped out of the ruins. He was covered in ashes, and very shocked. He walked up. “I Uh… got the… data.” He said then promptly fainted.
Next in Archaeopteryx!
Yours Truly,
Life Before
Chapter Four: The Mission
Connor blinked and saw her eyes were normal. “How about We give you the tour.” Talia suggested. Peter didn’t seem happy about this. Connor stood up and they led him through the base. At the very end of the tour they entered the control room. “This is our command center. What we do here is… command….?” Talia said, unsure. “This is our commander, Lieutenant Jackson.” Talia motioned towards a man in what looked like SWAT armor. The man held a shotgun. “Hallo.” The man said. “I am ze zupreme commander of zis here aircraft.” Jackson said. He seemed to have Russian-like accent. “Ve are currently hovering over Berlin, Germany. Where our stealth pilot, Jonathan vill attempt to fly from Berlin to Paris in under two hours. Vith our advanced hovercraft, ve shall be able to get their before him. His mission is to collect data vith his satellite dish. Ze German government iz zending coded mezzages secretly to ze American government. Ve hope to collect these and decipher zem, and get aboard zat Ark. Velcome to ze team Connor!” Jackson said.
Go to Araneo for next chapter.
Yours Truly,
Baby cosmo eat Aserbic mushroom (the narco ones)! Meat WILL starve them.
Carry Fisher --AK
Speidi Klum --AK
Get a giant turtle and fill it with c4 dodos and sacrifice the turtle I recommend using bred giant turtles so you don't feel too bad about killing them because your probably sacrificing a low level same thing with dodos
What are these I played ark for 2 years and never encountered it
Tip when breeding you need to get them to almost max addiction and it lets you breed them its expensive but you get adorable 6 legged cat
Name your pet noglin Brian brain eater also tip if you have a female or male giga use a noglin to temporary tame to opposite gender and breed them I promise it works